Dim Sum and Then Some

The girls ( and ) and I have been having a great time. As you can guess from my icon, I’m currently in Chicago. The weather’s been perfect and we’ve been on many Grand Adventures thus far.

Friday morning, I headed off to pick up mom and we went to our WeightWatchers meeting. My weight was down again – whee! I’ve now lost 20lbs since I restarted WW. I decided my goal for this week is to gain no more than 2lbs during my time in Chicago. I may even lose weight (at the rate we’re going, I will!) I returned mom to her home and drove directly to the Columbus Airport.

The flight to Chicago and train to Roosevelt were both uneventful (just the way I like it), and Judi and I met on the streets near the station to get a late lunch. We tried out the new (since last September) Artists Cafe. I got a strawberry & spinach salad (with goat cheese and pistachios and such a small amount of vinaigrette you’d think I’d put it on myself. Heh) and water. Judi tried one of their gyros. We both enjoyed our lunches.

Back at Judi’s we vegged a bit and then eventually went to the pool. I didn’t think it was warm enough to swim, so we didn’t dress for the occassion but went to sit and read. That didn’t last long because when Judi found her dog sitter there (she’d borrowed Judi’s pool fob) the lady talked & talked & talked. I can get into that state sometimes, but Judi assures me that this is her default state. We eventually untangled ourselves and returned to the room.

Elsa arrived before 6pm and we decided we’d go off to Ma & I for some Thai food. There was a 20 minute wait, but we sat & chatted and were eventually seated. I, of course, ordered pad Thai (with tofu) and, once again, it was very delicious. Ate it all, too! (I think the WW points assigned to pad Thai in the database is a bit low, but I’m not changing ’em!)

The three of us went for an evening walk along the lake path and it was simply beautiful to watch the skyline get darker and darker. Judi has a lovely city, especially at night. And as we returned from out walk, we popped into Little Branch cafe and ordered ice cream. The pistachio was yummy!

We’d decided that Saturday morning would be our Dim Sum day. Elsa got up earliest and then rode her bike off to a nearby farmer’s market. When she returned, I took a walk around the Field Museum and Shedd Aquarium. By the time I was back, Judi was up and ready to go, so we headed to Chinatown and Three Happiness, our Dim Sum place of choice.

We were good girls at Dim Sum and didn’t overeat. Well, Judi and I had two sesame balls each, but I did track it! It’s funny, Judi had surreptitiously wrapped the last sesame ball in a napkin, intending to take it home for later. And then one of the waiters popped by and handed her a small takeaway box to put it in. And she thought she was being subtle! 🙂

We stopped at Target on the way home and Judi got some essentials. Then we returned home. After awhile, Elsa and I took a walk around museum campus, which started out perfect, but was just a smidgen warm by the end. I grilled her about names of flowers and wildflowers, but probably won’t remember any of ’em when I get home.

For supper that evening (I had no lunch – just ate most of the cherries that Elsa had bought at the farmer’s market) Elsa made us salads with fresh greens, tomatoes, peppers, onions, raspberries, and strawberries topped with a homemade raspberry vinaigrette. She also found a package of Jiffy corn bread mix and made that up, but realized after the fact that it was probably out of date. (Judi found the expiration date – it was 2008.) They were dense but still tasty. She’d also had some brie/bleu cheese hybrid she’d gotten at the farmer’s market which we also had with supper. A very filling meal.

I had pre-ordered tickets for us to see the Navy Pier fireworks on a boat, so around 7:45pm we headed off to Navy Pier. Our original plan had been to take the bus, but that had been changed to car trip. This turned out to be not the best idea we’ve had for the trip, but it all worked out in the end.

When we got to Navy Pier, the main parking lot was full. So we were shunted to alternate parking. Having never done this before, we wound up on lower Wacker and then upper Wacker and Judi finally got us to streets she knew better. We eventually found a parking garage (the prices? OUCH!) and then walked toward the pier (once we figured out where it was in relation to where we were).

It was a long walk and I was afraid there’d not be enough time to get some Haagen-Dazs ice cream before we had to queue for the boat. Judi was more optimistic and insisted I stay in the line. We got our (teeny tiny) scoops of mint chip ice cream (very yummy, and really, the size I should get) and found Elsa at the boat booth. We wound up being nearly the last on the boat, but we still found seats on the bow and waited for launch.

Once we were underway, the boat found a spot and just sat there, playing music from a Pandora radio station. The music wasn’t overly loud and some of it was good. But the star of the eveing was the fireworks show. We could actually see the barge that the fireworks are fired from and the time between light & sound were almost instantaneous. It was the best way, IMO, to watch fireworks.

We got our entire hour (plus change) on the boat and then made our way to the trolley stop that (a) is free and (b) has a stop near our garage. The first trolley was after a 20 minute wait but filled before we could get on. The second was another 10 min wait, but we were the second party aboard. It did get us near the garage and so we got our car out of hock and returned home.

Today we’re off to Taste of Chicago (the dying carcass that’s left of the original Taste, which used to be spectacular) and then on to Galena, IL for a night of dining and day of shopping. The lodge has free wi-fi, supposedly, and wasn’t as expensive as some of the places. (Well, it’s off season for a ski lodge. Heh.) I suspect the fun will continue as normal. 🙂

July Update

My summer has continued to be a good ‘un. Looks like after 20 years of working, I’ve finally figured summer vacation out. 🙂

We had Independence Day recently in the US and I got to see fireworks two nights in a row. On the 4th, I went around to mom & dad’s community for their community party. I brought brownies & mixed fruit (not a melon in sight!) I managed to not go too overboard during the carry-in and the next day weighed in the lowest yet at WeightWatchers. Whee!

Anyhoo, that night, one of the families in the community brought around some sky lanterns and we launched about 8 of ’em or so after it got dark. It was sprinkling a little that night, but we didn’t care. Mom brought out some glow-in-the-dark bubbles which I blew around to the delight of the 3-year old in the community. When the fireworks showed up around 10pm, our original placement (on the back patio of one family’s house) wasn’t ideal since the fireworks weren’t as high as they’ve been in the past. So we all meandered over to a better spot to watch them. Troy has improved their show – it actually lasted 25 minutes.

The next night, one of the folks just outside of town put on a fireworks show for anyone wanting to watch, so I wandered over to the other side of town to watch and was quite impressed. For store-bought fireworks, they were pretty decent. And the people who shoot them off take many safety precautions when doing it.

Continuing Summer Stats:

# of Bike Rides: Now up to 7 since the start of summer vacation. This includes a 19 mile ride that I did. Whew!
# of Books Read: 15 (and will finish another one tonight, I suspect).
# of Movies Watched: 14 (I think – I really should write these down as I see ’em rather than try to remember them later!)

The books continued (all of these were library books, either paper or eBooks):
Goblin Secrets by William Alexander
The Redeemer by Jo Nesbo (another knock-out from Nesbo!)
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot (excellent handling of the story about HeLa.)
Dark Places by Gillian Flynn (probably my favorite of her three books, though I’m not entirely sure why.)
Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley
Wedding Night by Sophie Kinsella (this is quite a contrast to The Redeemer, Dark Places, and Henrietta Lacks, I can tell you!)
The Cheese Monkeys by Chip Kidd (I wasn’t sure I’d like this book at first, but it grew on me. Ending sucks, though.)
The Black Country by Alex Grecian (I really enjoyed The Yard so I was pleased his second book of the series is out now. Although his main characters are male, he writes very strong females in his Victoriana mysteries and I really appreciate that.)

The movies continued (all DVDs from the library):
Hotel Transylvania
Rise of the Guardians (quite a fun flick – decided to check out the books, too)
Ice Age: Continental Drift
Frankenweenie (I preferred ParaNorman)
Anna Karenina (not even Jude Law could make me enjoy this flick – a shame)
ParaNorman (a great stop-motion puppet flick)
Life of Pi (beautifully filmed, true to the book)

Still doing pretty well on my book and movie choices (apart from Anna Karenina, that is). Hopefully will get some more theatrical releases into the mix soon!

Happy 4th!

Hope folks who celebrate Independence Day today had a great day! Despite having to leave judiang and elsaf, I had a great day.

Elsa made us French toast today, which was very yummy. She even did fancy-dancy strawberry garnish & powdered sugar. (She made ’em with month-out-of-date milk, but I blame Judi for having month-out-of-date milk in her fridge in the first place! As the three of us aren’t dead, I suspect there was nothing wrong with it after all. But Judi, don’t forget to pitch the milk with the pink label!)

This morning was mostly just getting packed (and discovering stuff I forgot to pack) and reading and watching Harry Potter behind-the-scenes shorts from Judi’s On Demand service. Rather relaxing. Then Elsa and I went to the Little Branch Cafe for lunch. I had an (overpriced) toasted cheese sandwich (with tomato), which was very tasty. Judi joined us briefly, before heading back to get ready for her party.

It was quickly time to part company, however. Elsa drove back to Michigan, Judi took a cab to the train station to get to her 4th of July BBQ, and I walked to the El to get to Midway. Things were smooth getting there and getting through security and I had time to read while awaiting my flight. It left on time, arrived on time, and I wound up sitting in the first row by a window, so I was third off the plane. 44th bag out of the baggage claim, but that’s OK. I had my bag back. I even remembered, sort of, where I parked.

A short stop for Taco Bell on the drive back, and I returned home to discover someone shooting off nice fireworks at the edge of town. They were even visible from my backyard, so I spent some time watching them. They went on for at least 45 minutes (though with pauses between). Top quality fireworks – one step down from what the nearby towns use, I’d say.

The cats are glad I’m back, and I’m glad I’m back with my cats. Thanks, girls, for a great weekend! To friendship! And revenge!

Interesting Times

OK, so yesterday didn’t go completely as planned. But I think we managed to make a good day out of what started out as a crappy day.

Poor elsaf had fallen on Saturday and has been nursing two rather large bruises while on vacation here. They ached when she moved, but she was able to function, able to walk to Taste of Chicago, able to cook us a magnificent meal. However, late Wednesday (1:30am Thursday in all actuality) she complained about some muscle cramping around where her chest bruise was. We’re talking honking great pain muscle cramping. We were hoping it would go away after awhile, but it never did. So around 2:30am, judiang called 911 and had an ambulance come. (Indeed both an ambulance and a fire truck came.)

Judi left with Elsa and the ambulance and I stayed with Lance. I couldn’t sleep at this point, so I watched FoodTV until it switched over to infomercials. Then I played Bejeweled 2 on my cell phone. Judi kept me up to speed with various text messages. EKG fine; x-rays fine; other than the bruise, Elsa’s healthy; etc. Then Judi called to tell me pack a bag for Elsa. Oh, and I’d be driving us back to the hospital in Elsa’s car. I asked her about getting Elsa’s car keys (people who don’t drive don’t often think about necessities like car keys, heh) so Judi returned to Elsa’s room to get ’em.

Eventually, Judi showed up. I had my purse and Elsa’s bag and yet… Elsa was right behind Judi. The threat of either Judi or I driving her car encouraged Elsa to check herself out. Heh. They had her on a heavy dose of Vicodin, so she was feeling little pain. Judi still had to finish her cases, which she did and then headed off to work. It was around 5am by this time. I finally fell asleep, but I had my cell phone set to wake me at 8am. Someone had to pick up Elsa’s prescription in the morning, and I figured Judi would be too sleepy to do it.

Turns out I was right. When 8am came around, I popped into Judi’s room to encounter Dead Asleep Judi. Don’t think you can wake her… 🙂 So I showered and stuff and returned to Dead Asleep Judi and managed to get her awake enough to find out (a) where the nearest drug store was and (b) which of Judi’s keys was to her front door. Then I headed off to Walgreens. And I was a block away when I realized that, although I had Elsa’s driver’s license, money, and HMO card (she gave ’em to me – I didn’t take ’em!) I didn’t have her prescription – whoops! I returned to the apartment, picked up the prescription, then headed back out.

The pharmacist was a nice fellow. He wanted to make sure that Elsa was able to take Vicodin since it’s a codeine derivative and she’s allergic to codeine. So I called Judi’s cell phone – no response. Then her home phone – no response. Home phone again, then Elsa answered. Awwwwwww. I felt bad for getting Elsa up, but she assured me that she’ll be able to take the Vicodin – she’d had it the night before without any allergic reactions. The pharmacist needed to find out of the HMO would co-pay the prescription, so I walked across the street to Jewel and bought some donuts. Then I returned to get the prescription, popped into Starbucks for a hazelnut soy latte for Judi, hot tea for Elsa, and a vanilla steamer for me.

Elsa was sitting at the table when I got back and Judi was still asleep. When she woke up (around noon) it was my turn to sleep. I slept for a couple of hours, then Judi and I went off to the grocery in order to get supplies for our surprise supper for Elsa. On our way back to the apartment, we picked up sandwiches at Jimmy Johns for a late lunch.

We spent a relaxing afternoon goofing off. Then Judi and I picked up a few rental movies from the kiosk in her apartment complex’s market. (National Treasure 2, The Bucket List, and No Country for Old Men.) We also headed off to Target and then her new Best Buy store (on the other side of the Long Ass Bridge) looking for a Logitech Harmony Remote. Although she was sorely temped by the $420 model, I talked her into the $99 one (which is sufficient for nearly anyone’s needs).

Judi and I made supper – Judi made fried catfish from scratch, I made everything else. Heh. (Well, everything I made was pretty easy – either nuking or a short cooking time.) So, for supper, we started with a nice salad with bleu cheese and raspberry vinaigrette, an appetizer of baked crab cakes, fried catfish, Bob Evans mashed taters, green beans, and strawberry shortcake with Bailey’s Irish Cream ice cream. I think we did a very nice job – we’re no Elsa, but we dun good.

At 9pm, we turned on WGN to watch the Grant Park fireworks. Despite the cinematography sucking a few times, the fireworks were very cool. And if we looked behind us, we could see them reflected in the building behind us. Also, the booms we heard were from the live fireworks rather than from the telly. Heh.

We finished out the day with National Treasure 2. It was silly and fun. I was entertained. 🙂

We all slept pretty well last night. This morning, after Judi got up, I made French toast for breakfast. Elsa and I are now watching The Bucket List. Not sure what Judi’s doing. Later, Judi and I may go to Taste to get us eats and some stuff for Elsa as well. Regardless of what we do, I know we’ll have a good time, despite any other Interesting things happening. 🙂

Boom! Boom! BOOM!

Yay! Let’s hear it for fireworks! We watched the 3rd of July fireworks from the penthouse balcony of judiang‘s apartment building. We took chairs up around 7pm and then wound up sitting there from 7:30pm on. Judi, elsaf and I snapped a lot of photographs of the view. Judi then went down to find her battery operated radio so that we could listen to the Grant Park Orchestra as they performed for the fireworks. She was gone so long, I began to suspect she’d run off to Jewel to buy batteries.

I was right. Heh.

So we watched the fireworks, then returned to her apartment. (Rather than walking with a Sea of People as we used to do after sitting in Grant Park, we walked in a creek (pronounced “crick”) of people to the elevator.) Then it was time for supper. The Strawberry, Chicken, and Poppyseed Salad from Panera, which we’d picked up on our way back from the movie theater. Judi also grilled a couple of hot dogs since we’d suffered from the wonderful scent of folks grilling out while we were waiting on the fireworks. Since no one should eat hot dogs alone, I had one as well. Yummy.

OK, onto the stuff we did earlier today. First off, I should say that I slept very well last night. We had Special K again for breakfast and then puttered around some. We decided to hit a multitude of stops on our way to see An Inconvenient Truth – the train station to fill up our cards, the bank for cash, Target for iPod accessories, and finally to P.J. Clarke’s for lunch. I had a nice order of fish & chips – yum. The waiter, oddly enough, recognized the college on my t-shirt. I was wearing one of my myriad College of Wooster shirts. Turns out he used to live in Wooster, OH. Heh. Small world. My greedy self suggested that we stop back at P.J.’s for dessert. And my lovely friends agreed.

We went to the AMC next to watch the movie. I thought it was very well done. I think Al Gore is doing a great service with his disemination on the current climate crisis. Here’s hoping he can make a difference!

As per my suggestion, we did stop back at P.J.’s for chocolate chip cookie sundaes. And boy were those cookies huge! They were very tasty and to thank my friends for endulging my sweet-tooth, I bought the sundaes.

My greedy self also thought of another great idea. Why not stop at Panera Bread on the way back and get something for supper? Well, if you read the second paragraph, you saw that my dear friends agreed to that suggestion as well. So now I’m happily sated. ‘Twas a great day to be in Chicago with Elsa and Judi!