GIP (with HP7 Spoilers)

I thought of this icon the other night and have now made it. However, if you have not read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and intend to, you should wait until afterward to check out the LJ cut.

From my favorite bit in the whole book (for now):

I know that if anyone’s gonna like this icon, it’ll be my sister. But Amy, be warned: don’t look until you finish the book. 🙂


Sure, after nearly 2 weeks of not posting, I post only to show off my latest (silly) icon. I’ve now only gotten to 45 in my icons. I have room for 55 more icons. I need to be inspired more!

For those of you unfamiliar with The Zero Imperative, this quote comes from my favorite line in the show. Sylv is Dr. Dove, a psychiatrist whose hospital is under investigation by PROBE, run by Liz Shaw (you know, the 3rd Doctor’s companion). After Liz comes to him with some silly pseudoscience about stuff going on, he says “This is a hospital, Miss Shaw, not Scooby Doo!” And I’ve loved that quote ever since. Heh.