The Wizard of Menlo Park

“Old Thomas Edison mixing up the medicine
Messing up time from Accrington to Amazon”

OK, this Chumbawamba song followed me all around Greenfield Village today. elsaf and I picked up judiang from the airport this morning and we drove straight to The Henry Ford Experience. We spent the first part of the day at Greenfield Village and the Menlo Park recreation. I saw this when I was a kid, and Edison’s labs still amazed me today. I understood the science a lot better, too. 🙂 (And yes, Judi, I will explain the difference between AC and DC to you whenever you’re ready.)

After a display of the first phonograph (tin foil recording!) we then moved on to the Henry Ford Museum. Lots of neat stuff there, too. And I bought far too much stuff in the gift store. Including a great book of science poetry.

We stopped at Elsa’s brother’s place afterwards to pick up the doggies and see the new place. Neat house! And Ardath’s bedroom is painted phenomenally. 🙂

When we got back, it was a little late, but Elsa got in the kitchen and slaved away to make us a wonderful supper of Thai duck soup (with actual duck!) and grilled chicken salad with mango and other yummy things. I got the fire started in Elsa’s chiminea and so we had a lovely glow & warmth while we ate outside.

Now we’re inside reading LJ and getting angry about the state of things in NOLA and surround areas. Those poor people. Such incompetence in government. And now we find that Renquist is dead. Bleh. Sad times ahead for our country.

But for now, I’m with my two bestest friends in the whole wide world and having a great time. When shitty things happen, you just appreciate your friends and the good things that go on in your life.