I’ve been meaning to get a Round Tuit to posting photos that I (and a few others) took at the Halloween party that my folks and I attended that night. And as I wait in the queue to get onto World of Warcrack (they just released a new expansion), I found the Tuit and it was, indeed, Round. So first photo is one of me and the camera outfit that I used for most of the photos. The theme of the party was 1920s/Great Gatsby and many of the attendees drezzed for the occasion. (As I’m not a fan of wearing dresses, I opted more for Marlene Dietrich in drag. She looked FINE in a suit or tux. Me… well, I’m cute at least. See?)

Me and the camera that dad put together. He’s clever. 🙂

The party started at The Caroline, a restaurant in Troy. Here’s mom and dad entering the restaurant.
Here’s mom and I at the restaurant.
A group shot of the first of our group to arrive at the restaurant. Not all who attended the party at Tammy’s were able to come to the restaurant.
Some flappers at the Caroline.
Now at Tammy’s, here’s dad getting the champagne bar ready. (Tammy also had a cocktail bar, a wine bar, and a cigar bar at the party. Though cigars were to be smoked outdoors.)
Tammy’s front room had the perfect backdrop for 1920s style photos. Here’s my folks. I got many of the couples in front of this window.
Awhile into the party and dad and I relax while one of the party-goers takes out photo.
As the evening wore on, poker and pool were the entertainment. Here’s mom winning a hand!
My dad, the pool shark.
I was pleased when I saw that the camera captured the movement of the ball. Our host John shoots while two of the three Mikes at the party look on.