Summer Vacation 2015

Phew! I haven’t had a real post in this journal since Jan 1 of this year. Ah well, guess journalling isn’t my thing at the mo’. However, that may change a bit in the next couple of weeks since my mother, sister, and I will be going on a trip through Great Britain. I expect we’ll have lots of fun. 🙂

But summer has started for us (despite it still officially being spring) since school let out on May 22nd!!! I haven’t gotten much biking or hiking in this season (only twice for each – eep!) but have been enjoying my time off quite a bit. And I’ve done my duty as a “responsible home owner” (yeah right) and had my tumbling down fence replaced.

So that’s what this post will be about – Out with the Old, and In with the New!

Neglect, I has you!
I really hadn’t noticed how poorly my back fence was doing till I started mowing last year. Whoops! Neglect, I has you!

It's really shabby.
It’s really shabby compared to the neighbor’s more recently created fence.

The fence guys start taking the old fence down.
The fence guys start taking the old fence down. Turns out it was installed in sections.

The new fence posts have been installed.
The new fence posts have been installed. The rest of the fence is installed the following day once the post cement has settled, or something. That’s a view of my neighbor’s back yard that I’ve never seen before.

The mulberry tree is now just a stump.
The mulberry tree is now just a stump. And I’ve brushed stump killer on it – DIE STUMP! DIE! (I taped a warning sign up for the little kids who were hanging around that area earlier in the day.) I especially like the bits of mulberry tree that are now a permanent addition to the neighbor’s fence. (Actually, no idea if my predecessor or their predecessor installed that chain link fence. At least with my behind the house neighbor, I was able to ask if it had been her mother or my predecessor who’d put the fence in.)

The fence dudes installing the new fence!
The fence dudes installing the new fence! Whee! (I tried to figure out why this photo had a different aspect ratio than all my others. Turns out I took this while I was filming the dudes installing the fence. The aspect ratio for video with my phone is different than the ratio with my photographs.)

I can has new fence? Yes, I can has!
I can has new fence? Yes, I can has! In October, I need to stain the sucker. Will have to ponder what color I want to stain it. (And I’ll ask my backdoor neighbor what color he wants his side stained since the fence dudes recommended staining both sides if/when I do it.)

Ceiling Monsters

One of my major tasks for this summer was to buy & install (or rather, have installed) ceiling fans for my house. And as of today, this has been accomplished!

I checked out several places looking for ceiling fans that I liked and wound up buying 4 fans from Menards. Hunter’s 54″ Brighton and Turn of the Century’s Brigham (52″) & Camden (2 of the Camden, both 42″). The Hunter went into the “dining” room. The Brigham in my bedroom, and the two Camden’s in my den and library. Also bought a remote for the bedroom since the fan is above my bed. (Total cost, $326.51.)

I talked with someone at the contractor desk at Menards and he recommended John Borcher for the ceiling fan install. A few calls with Mr. Borcher and we were set. He arrived this morning (before 8:30am) with Cliff and with his grand-nephew. The nephew is between 7th & 8th grade and enjoyed the toys in my house, but he also helped out the gentlemen from time to time (and got a bit of ribbing from them too when he was distracted by the interesting things in my house).

They did a nice job getting the fans up. The Hunter had tons of pieces, and getting the remote into the Brigham made that process longer than necessary (and a wire that unhooked that was unnoticed until the fan was completely up – that was an issue too). But they were gone before 1:30pm and I had fans in my house – woo! Cost for installing 4 fans? $260. Total cost for my house upgrade, less than $600! Nifty!

There is a drawback to my new fans which I hadn’t even considered, however. The poor kitties spent the morning under the bed thanks to the strangers in their house (though Lucy popped out twice) and now refuse to come out because OMG!!!! There are Monsters on the ceiling!!!!!!!!

Poor Lucy has been out twice since the fans were up and all she does is run through the house looking above with this look of sheer terror on her face. (Yes, I’m anthropomorphizing here…) Linus won’t even get out enough to see the new Ceiling Monsters. *sigh*

I do hope the kitties realize these new additions to their house are not monsters but instead will help keep us cool in the summer (and maybe reduce our cooling bill). I especially hope they realize this before they die of thirst or poop/pee under the bed. (I’ve at least gotten food to them and I think they finally ate some of it.) Maybe tonight in the dark it won’t seem as scary to them.

Landscaping 2011

Last summer’s project was residing the house. This summer’s project was landscaping the front of the house. Although planned way back in April, Chaney’s Nursery was only able to get around today to do the job. The rainy spring really put them far behind on their landscaping jobs. But today they came, they saw, they landscaped the joint!

A before shot of the house, half an hour before the landscapers arrive.

Before - the front
Before – the front
Full frontal view (heh heh) of my house before the landscapers arrive.

They arrive!
They arrive!
And they’re off! They arrived around 8:30am and worked for a couple hours.

Tilling my dry soil in anticipation of planting!

Hard at Work
Hard at Work
I returned from a short walk around town to find them all still hard at work.

Prepping the soil
Prepping the soil
Before they can place the plants, the soil has to be just right…

Holes are dug & the plants are stuffed into the holes.

Waiting for holes
Waiting for holes
The other side awaits planting too.

Maple tree
Maple tree
My new maple tree. Will really get to “shine” when the old Bradford pear is removed.

Smells nasty, but always looks nice. Let’s hear it for (hopefully termite-free) mulch!

Finito - with stones!
Finito – with stones!
The finished look on this side of the house.

Finito 2 (this time it's personal!)
Finito 2 (this time it’s personal!)
The finished look of the other side of the house.

Finito 3D (except it's not in 3D)
Finito 3D (except it’s not in 3D)
And the full frontal (*snicker*) shot of the house, complete. Yay!

Secret Garden

We had a reprieve during the monsoon season today and I was able to get out and take a walk this afternoon. I decided to go see my “secret garden” which I discovered last year on my walks. It’s just someone’s very nicely planned backyard with lotsa flowers, but to me it was a pleasant surprise on a walk one day last year. I decided it was my secret garden and it’s something I like to treat myself with from time to time when walking.

I know, I should work on making my own backyard into a secret garden. But that sounds like work. Still, I am going to have someone come in and at least make my front yard purtier. (Heh heh, she said “purtier”!) I called Chaney’s nursery today and told them to “put me on the list” to do the landscaping job that Curt designed.

The only real thing I asked him to change was remove a buckthorn from the plan since it’s an invasive plant in Ohio. He swapped it out with a weigela that is grafted onto a tree. A mutant plant in my front yard! Booga booga boo! Here’s his vision of what my front will be:

Landscape plan for the house

Back from MN/House Update

We’ve actually been back a couple of days (returned home on Tuesday), but I’ve been lazy about posting. We definitely had a ball with the girls. I miss ’em already!

We did wind up going to Hell’s Kitchen for breakfast. I had the French toast, which was very yummy, but also got to taste some other foodstuff. The rosti potatoes were tasty, and their signature peanut butter was – wow. The girls told me it was wonderful, but I figured "how different can this peanut butter be?" It was very very tasty – so tasty that I bought some for me, the girls, and my cousin who was checking on the kitties.

We dropped Rachel back at the house and then we visited Half Price Books (where everyone found something to buy, except me, alas!) and then returned to Home Depot to return some fittings that we’d bought thinking they were for a sink, only they were for a toilet & didn’t fit Amy’s new faucet. While we were at the bookstore, Amy realized she’d left her wallet on the sofa at home. So dad, impressed with a new excuse, paid for Amy’s CDs. (He’s heard ’em all, though usually from me. Heh.) Still, no wallet at Home Depot made the return trickier than it should have been. But let’s hear it for store credit!

We returned to the house to fiddle about, but it was soon time for Rachel to head for work. Yes, she was going to work a 6-hour shift even with her sprained ankle. Amy & mom took her to Seward Co-Op so she could work (they provided a stool for her – they treat their employees nicely) and so Amy could shop.

While the girls were off at the grocery, dad worked on putting up a second clothes line in the basement. Only the cinder blocks that make up the walls must contain diamond dust in ’em. The carbide bit was dead before he could get the second brace in place.

Mom & Amy brought back a nice assortment of groceries, including stuff for lupper. We had rotisserie chicken and salad. Mom & I did the dishes while Amy & dad went to the hardware store. Once dad was back with the new bit, he successfully got the new line up.

Amy decided to try and put her new faucet in, only to discover that removing the old one was going to be a PITA. She didn’t have the right tools to do the job, so she’ll probably get a handyman (or handywoman) in to do it. Leverage – it’s what you need to remove old faucets.

We had wine time after awhile, though it was actually mohito time. Amy made mohitos for me & mom & herself, dad had a beer. We had brie and baguettes and grapes. All yummy. Us ladies then tried to play Amy’s old board game (actually a RPG) Cloak & Dagger, based upon (loosely) the movie by the same name. Though we made a few mistakes, we all agreed it was pretty fun to play. But we didn’t get to finish because it was time for Amy to pick Rachel up from work. We all loaded into the car & Amy dropped the folks off at the hotel. Then we went to Seward to get Rachel.

We were running early, so Amy took a scenic route to Seward. And were still early, so we popped into the new video rental place, Filmzilla. It’s actually a film rental place that Amy loved which had replaced another rental place which she’d found handy. It’s right across from a Thai place and a liquor store across the street makes for a perfect trio. She figures Friday Night Date Night is a go once again in their household. 🙂

We got Rachel and returned home, in time for cookie time. We munched on cookies (or cinnamon bagels in Rachel’s case) and chatted. It was here that Amy & I realized we’d been playing Cloak & Dagger incorrectly. Whoops! Rachel was ready for bed after her 6 hour workday with sprained ankle. So to bed we went.

Tuesday morning, Amy got up before us and got donuts from their favorite bakery. Very yummy cake donuts – she got plain & cinnamon. She also made us scrambled eggs. After awhile, she picked up the folks and they also had donuts & some coffee. We had a leisure morning in the house, but far too soon it was time for us to move on.

Amy drove us to French Meadow Bakery & Cafe for lunch. I had a curried chicken salad sandwich and creamy tomato basil soup. Very tasty, even though the sandwich was on rye. I then bought dessert for folks and decided to try the Tres Leches (three milks) cake. It was very yummy – and the cake was actually damp because it was soaked in evaporated milk before it was iced. We also had an almond & lingonberry cake, which looked like a giant chocolate petit four, and a carrot cake. Oh, and I’d also ordered a vanilla French soda, which is like an Italian soda (soda water, flavoring, simple syrup) with milk. A tasty treat to end our trip.

We were once again ahead of schedule, so Amy decided to take a more scenic route to the airport. Which turned out to not be the best idea since there were a few detours & other issues on this route. Still, we got there an hour & a half before our flight. Only to spend most of that time trying to get through security. Probably the longest I’ve waited in awhile. Still, we were on time to our gate and soon boarded our plane.

In Milwaukee we had a 2+ hour layover. I decided to watch ep 3 of Shelock and probably would have finished it except we went to a bar for booze & treats. I tried a mixed drink of theirs with Malibu rum, peach schnapps, and cranberry juice. Pretty tasty. The folks tried the local beer – spotted cow. We also got some pizza dough knots and some calamari, both with a marinara dipping sauce. Tasty stuff.

The flight to Dayton was uneventful and when we got outside, there was a shuttle waiting. It wasn’t long before we were in Troy, then I was soon home. The kitties were happy to see me. Happier when I gave ’em a treat. 🙂

Yesterday, I got to see my house properly now that it’s mostly done (it was dark when I got home). It’s really cute. 🙂 I also got to get into my classroom and do a recce. I also took some carts from the girl’s locker room storage to my room (though the chemicals are still in there). But it was too overwhelming to start unpacking.

I had a late lunch in Troy at Chipotles, then decided to visit mom & dad. It looked like they were out, but then I got a call from mom on my cell phone. Turns out they were at my house. Heh. They both like the changes to my house and think it’s cute. So yay! I am not alone in thinking the place is cute.

Today I returned to the school, but with minions in tow. My little cousins (one of whom looked after the kitties for me) agreed to come & help me unpack. I had taken all of the stuff I was storing in my basement to the school. Then we got all of the glassware boxes unpacked and stuff put into the student lab drawers (which are smaller than what I had in the old building). I treated them to Panera for lunch. (Strawberry poppyseed salad for the win! I also had the chicken & noodle soup.) We also worked after lunch and headed home near 4pm. Haven’t decided yet if I go in tomorrow.

Anyhoo, I suspect you’re anxious to see the near-final photos of my house. So, what do you think?

Front of house, nearly done
Front of house, nearly done

Angled front of house view
Angled front of house view

South side view
South side view

Garage front view
Garage front view

Garage side view
Garage side view

The House (and Garage) of Five Gables

Today, they started installing the shingles on the gables. It’s pretty nifty cuz the HardieShingles aren’t individual shakes but several on a “backbone” of more Hardie material. Still, when you’re doing Gables, you’re gonna have lots of little bits anyhoo. (And they did.)

In other good house news, the new front window and the back sliding door arrived today. They both look nice, but I was sad to see the sliding door doesn’t have a way of locking/unlocking from the outside. (An oversight which I hope we can rectify.) You’ll probably also note in the photos that the trim is being painted. (Beige will not be the color of the house when done…)

So, here be photos!

Gable 1: The front of the house.

Gable 2: The north side of the house.

Gable 3: The south side of the house.

Gable 4: The front of the garage. Gable 5, the back of the garage, has not been completed yet.

New sliding door!

Linus looks out of his original front window – probably for the last night!

The new front window waits on the front porch.

So I think the goal for tomorrow is to get the window & door in (since Friday I’ll be picking judiang up from the airport for a weekend at the Lake). I imagine they’ll get Gable 5 in as well.

Siding Happens

Been a few days since I last posted an update to my summer siding project. But I’ve got some nice photos to share today! They got the house wrapped before the weekend, which means I haven’t seen out my windows since then. Heh. They finished the soffits, then added fascia, and next trim. And today the siding arrived, so they’ve started installing it on the garage. I’ve also got a side door on my garage – that’s never happened in its lifetime. The garage door has also arrived, but they probably won’t get to that until tomorrow.

For those of you who follow me on Twitter, you got to read about my abortive attempt at getting my new washer & dryer. I called my plumber yesterday afternoon and left a message with his wife. He called this morning and came around to do the repairs needed. (The shut off valves had corroded and the dryer was directed hooked to the 220-V line.) He fixed those issues, and another one I was having with my outdoor faucet. So I called the delivery company, and they’ll attempt another delivery tomorrow. Here’s hoping it works this time!

Anyhoo, enough domestry, let’s get to some photos!

My house is covered in weather wrap!

Exterior view of house wrap. And a pre-soffit shot. (They reinforced those beams before installing the new soffits.)

The new soffits installed with holes for the vents.

I also get a new porch ceiling!

Fascia & trim on the garage!

New siding! A side door! A spot for the garage light! Woot!

Back of the garage is complete for lap siding.

New window for the garage, and its trim.

It won’t be long before I can change my “Home Sweet Home” icon! 🙂

Nekkid House

Things are progressing on my New Siding Project. No new siding yet, but all of the old stuff is off both the garage and the house!

Yesterday, Jeff and the boys got the garage squared up as best as was possible. It had been adjusted before, badly, (bits were trimmed off rather than the garage twisted back to square), but now it’s looking good. Plywood all around, and a Tyvek-style weather wrap.

Once the garage was squared and reinforced, they started removing the siding from the house. They finished the back of the house and the north side yesterday. They finished the front and south side today. Then they took off all of the window trim. Tomorrow, they wrap the house (after foaming the gaps in my windows). Hopefully they’ll start on soffits tomorrow too. 🙂

The HardiPlank siding will be arriving next week (they have enough for the trim so far), as will the garage door. The picture window & sliding back door, however, aren’t due to arrive until the last week of July – eep!

I let dad buy my lunch today as I drove him to Piqua so that I could buy a garage door opener from Sears. I also got my front light and garage light (outside) at Home Depot while we were in town. The garage door opener was on sale! Woot!

So, here are the photos from yesterday and today:

Using boards, block & tackle, and OSB, the garage was made square & more secure.

Before they put up new supports in the garage.

After they put up new supports. My ceiling seems higher! The roof no longer sags!

The front of my house sans flower box.

The back of my house sans siding.

Even the house had teal gables!

The front of the house sans siding and screen door. A nekkid house!

I feel sorry for my poor nekkid house! And there’s a chance of rain tonight – go figure! But tomorrow it’ll at least get a nice 84 lumber weather wrap, so it should be OK at that time.

Ex-siding Times!

I sure haven’t posted much this summer. Been spending a lot of the time just enjoying my time off. Visit mom often to go swimming in her association’s pool. Play WoW. Go to concerts in downtown Troy (those of you following me on Twitter have seen a few posts about that). Avoiding doing anything regarding school (which is going to be unfortunately later on when I think “Why didn’t I digitize those VHS tapes like I was going to this summer?!?!?”)

Anyhoo, one of the things I’m doing this summer (to elsaf‘s potential delight, I suspect) is residing my house and garage. I decided that I wanted to use HardiePlank for the job. Originally, wanted the main house in HardieShingle and the gables in HardiePlank, but that proved to be very expensive. So I flipped ’em around. Going to get HardiePlank lap siding for the main house and the straight edge shingles for the gables.

Six years ago, I had the house painted. I had hoped I could go at least 10 years before painting again. But that was not to be. The south wall is by far the worst of the bunch. But it’s more than painting that needs doing. The cedar shingles are dying. Several are cracked. And some are falling off. So I decided to reside the house, and chose the HardiePlank product.

I almost went with Home Depot doing the job (almost typed Office Depot – heh), even so far as having a contract signed, when I found out there were other contractors who could do the job for less. (Thanks to Mike the Builder who put me in touch with the folks. Mike’s the one who built mom & dad’s house. He’s a great guy and has a ton of stories, all of which are entertaining.)

They began the job today. They’re working on the garage now. And one of the things Jeff has promised to do is square up the garage (which either was built crooked originally, or has gotten askew over the years).

Heh heh – just had to pause in my writing since Jeff and the boys needed a length of chain to help them pull in the two sides of the garage and asked if there was anyone in town I could borrow some from. My first thought was to my cousins. Bill wasn’t in, but Mick was, and he happened to have a length of chain the right size. Since he’s just two blocks away (and I mean P Hill blocks, not proper city blocks) I walked. While carting the box home, one of my co-workers spied me and offered me a drive home. God, I love my town. 😉

Anyhoo, I know you’re all chomping at the bit to see some photos of the before and during, so here goes.

The back of the garage was painted badly back in 2004, apparently.

A close up shows the cracking paint. (This isn’t even the south wall!)

A view of the front for comparison.

The inside of the garage. Notice that the walls are the shingles!

The removal of old siding begins. And a light shines through it!

Who knew the original color of the house & garage was… teal??!? (Once I mentioned it to mom, she remembered.)

The skeleton of my garage!

I’ll try to stay on top of this project in the journal. I know that Elsa, at least, will be interested to see the progress. 🙂

Bathroom Remuddle – Nearly Done!

My bathroom is nearly complete. I basically just need to paint the baseboard (and possibly the door – mom’s trying to talk me into that) and the ceiling. But for now, I’ve got everything else completed. I’m really liking my bathroom!

Teaser photo:

A nice “after” shot of my bathroom. A marked improvement over the “before” shot.

Head over to my gallery to see photos of the job. For those of you who looked last time I posted the URL, you can skip ahead to this point to see the new photos.