New Washer & Dryer – woohoo!

Home Depot (or rather the delivery people they contract out to) delivered my washer & dryer today – yay! Of course, there was still another Old House problem that thwarted us, but not to the point where I had to send ’em away stuff undelivered.

In the original set up, the washer was on the right and the dryer on the left. But if you look at today’s front-loading washer & dryers, the doors always open the other way around. So I figured I’d always have the doors in each others way when I used them.

Except… LG is quite a stickler for how things get installed on site. And they won’t allow any drain extension. The way the original was set up, the washer was farther from the drain than the dryer, and there was a cobbled-together drain extension for it. The guys installing the items suggested swapping the two. I was concerned about the duct for the dryer, but they said that wouldn’t be a problem (and it wasn’t).

Unfortunately, Old House Syndrome struck when removing the old drain extension. The rubber must have been glued into the pipe, so he was unable to remove it. Indeed, it broke off, leaving some of the rubber still in the drain. No matter, I’ll have my plumber fix stuff when he returns to solder my outside faucet back on (once the builders have replace the wood behind it). For now, the washer is draining into the sump.

Currently, the pair are going through their first runs. The dryer has to burn off oil for the first run and the washer has to flush out anti-mold stuff on its first run. I’ll read the instructions shortly and then do a load of laundry – woohoo! (OK, I don’t think I’ve ever said “woohoo!” about doing laundry before. Man, have I become domesticated or what?)

Hee hee – just heard the washing machine singing its “I’m done!” song. Guess I can run a load of laundry now!

A Busy September 30th

Today, for the Shorts, was a busy day. I shall begin with the least exciting and move up.

  • I just got back from presenting the school website at our school board meeting. People there said I did a good job on the presentation – I haven’t a clue, myself. 🙂 I’ve been working on the website, in earnest, for a year now. I’ve very proud of it – it’s standards compliant and handicapped accessible. The new teacher web pages which we can do through FirstClass (our e-mail program) are also standards compliant, which thrills me. And the teachers are making really nice pages. (I showed mine (boring) and 3 other teacher’s pages (not boring) to the board.)
  • Mom and Dad flew out to California today for a month in Santa Rosa. They volunteer for the Westar Institute from time to time – this time for a month. The fall meeting will be in a few week’s time and mom & dad help out with the preparation there and in a few other areas. And they also get to enjoy the fabulous restaurants in the area. I think the only complaint they have is that the condo they stay in doesn’t have a comfy chair. (We should dispatch the Spanish Inquisition, perhaps?)
  • And the most important thing to happen today to the Short family… My little sister bought a house! Yay! Today, she and Rachel closed on their house purchase. They now own a mortgage! And a house to go with it! I’m really excited for them. And I’ll be flying out mid-October to help them with unpacking, cleaning the old joint, setting up electronics, and just about anything else they want me to do. Amy thinks there might even still be some autumn foliage for me to gawp at then. Yay!

Speaking of autumn, it appears to have arrived today. Yay! My two walnut trees in the back have some distinctly yellow leaves. We have a nice blustery wind bringing us some cooler weather, too. Autumn is my favorite season, so it’s nice to see it start up in earnest.

Anyhoo, I’m sleepy and going to head off to read a bit before bed. Busy days make me tired. 🙂

Simply Shocking!

The joys of home ownership. For some time I’ve had problems in my reading room and bedroom with the electricity. Tonight dad was over to look at the circuit breaker and he noticed that it was arcing – woah! Sparks aren’t good in houses! We imediately turned off that particular circuit.

So I’ve just called what I think is an electrician. They clump everyone associated with electricity into the “electrical contractors” group, so it ain’t easy to tell who’s an electrician for repairing arcing circuit breakers and who’s a contractor for designing the wiring in your house. With the help of the WWW, I’ve at least found someone who’s a member of the BBB. Probably won’t hear back until Tuesday. So that means until I do hear back, I won’t be listening to my Soundbridge in the reading room or watching TV in my bedroom. At least the overhead lights are on a different circuit.

While dad was over, we first had some haystacks (taco meat on crushed tortilla chips with lots of lettuce, cheese, and salsa – yum!) Then he checked on my recliner which doesn’t recline (and hasn’t for years.) It turns out that the fix isn’t worth the bother. I’ll just keep an eye out for a new recliner and sofa (it’s getting rather old looking too) for the living room. And we also looked over the reading room and took some measurements for bookshelves. I hope to have floor to ceiling bookshelves in there. 🙂

Hmmm, maybe I should open out my sofabed for the rest of this 3-day weekend. Then I can still watch Olympics in bed. (Last time there were Olympics, I hadn’t yet gotten a TV for the bedroom so I actually did this – heh.) I’m sure Leo won’t mind – he loves a grand adventure. 🙂