Small Plates Day

Yesterday, I flew to Chicago to visit judiang. Though we arrived on time, the train to Roosevelt took forever. And since Judi had misplaced her cell phone, there wasn’t a way to tell her when I’d arrived (though it wasn’t long before she showed up in the lobby).

We then raced to the Indian place she liked, though the bus also took forever (slow day for public transport) and we arrived 15 minutes before the buffet shut down. So we filled our plates and got our kheer (rice pudding) and had a leisure lunch while the restaurant cleared up the lunch buffet. (We weren’t even the last to arrive – Vernon Dursley and his wife showed up with friends… Well, I thought it looked like him.)

We returned to Judi’s flat to veg & nap. And when Judi awoke, she had a brilliant idea. Ice cream followed by fireworks. Hell yeah! Then I improved upon by recommending the Navy Pier Death March. So we did just that. We took our time walking in the 140% humidity (no, really!) to Navy Pier, then went to Haagen Dazs for shakes (she got strawberry, I got caramel). We then waited for the fireworks.

While waiting, several yachts were mooching about near the pier, several covered in drunk people. On one, a big fat bastard took his shirt off for us on the pier, then turned around, pulled his pants down and mooned us. Um, no thanks. Judi, thankfully, was oblivious and I didn’t draw her attention to it.

Fireworks were excellent (and this is something they do ever Saturday and Wednesday at Navy Pier in the summer). We wound up with a great spot (apart from the terrestrial moon). Sure, we had pondered going on one of the night boat tours, but they were sold out of up top seating. I recommended Judi return to Navy Pier in a week and get on said tour.

We took the bus back. I noticed that we could have walked the way back in less time and for less money, but we got to sit in air conditioning.

elsaf was originally going to join us today, but had to delay her departure indefinitely. So Judi and I opted for Dim Sum for brunch. Mmmm, Chinese tapas! We also stopped over at Target to pick up a few odds & ends, and managed to walk home before the Big Storm hit. (Having had one of these in Ohio recently, I’m beginning to think they are following me.)

We had another relaxation/nap time whereupon I discovered Elsa had texted me a couple of times to say she was able to come along later today. Woo! So she’s on the road to join us after all. *big cheer*

Judi’s next brilliant idea (she’s been full of them this trip) was time at the pool. I wasn’t too sure at first – the storm had cooled things off a little – but we went and had a lovely time. And her next idea was a topper to that. How about we walk to the Spanish tapas place, Valencia?

This we did. We had a lovely variety of Spanish dim sum, including the duck confit which is ambrosia, and the crepe rellena (crepe with goat cheese, spinach, apples, and pine nuts) which is vegetarian ambrosia. We both had the spicy mango margarita, which I didn’t think was all that strong, but Judi did. And then having finished mine, realized that maybe I’d drunk mine too fast. But I followed it with a mojito anyhoo. And I think I’m nicely drunk now. Oh, dessert was their crema con chocolate (creme brulee with bittersweet chocolate).

I am full and happy. And, apparently, drunk.

Memorial Day Weekend – a month late…

judiang and elsaf often come down to Ohio for Memorial Day Weekend and we hang out at mom & dad’s cottage at the Lake. This year, Elsa’s schedule didn’t work out to let us do that. But when she finally got a Saturday off, we made plans to hit the cottage. So that’s what we did this past weekend.

Judi flew in Friday night and I picked her up. We had dinner at Panera on the way to the cottage and it wasn’t long after we arrived that we crashed. Saturday morning, we had bagels with a smear (which we bought from Panera the night before) for breakfast. Then for lunch, we went to New Bremen for Italian food at La Piazza. For me to learn YET AGAIN that La Piazza is NOT open for lunch on Saturdays. (I’m pretty sure I’ve taken her there for lunch before, but she’s still never eaten there…) So we went to the coffee shop down the street and had a nice lunch there.

Elsa arrived in the afternoon and I later grilled a burger (for Elsa) and hot dogs (for Judi & me). Elsa had brought along some German potato salad she’d made, plus we had store bought slaw and baked beans. We had a nice evening catching up and chatting about this, that, and the other.

Sunday was Movie Day. We went to Bob Evans for breakfast, then to the 11am showing of Brave (so only $4.75 for the tickets – 2D). We all enjoyed the movie. It’s a great mother/daughter movie, but it’s more than just that. We had Coldstone Creamery ice cream for lunch, then checked on the kitties (and I showed off my new ceiling monsters to the girls). The cats were sort of kind of getting used to the fans. (Indeed, they’re now OK with the fans in the Off state.)

Our return to the Lake saw us having much relaxation time. Elsa did a butterfly cut on a whole chicken and I marinaded it for a couple of hours. Then we grilled it and had it, fresh grilled corn on the cob, and grilled asparagus & onions. All very tasty. We spent the evening by the fire then followed up with a double bill of Puss in Boots and Beauty and the Beast. Animated films for the win!

Elsa made pancakes & sausage for us for breakfast on Monday. Then we relaxed, did a little bit of cleaning (I returned later to vacuum), and, sadly, headed out. I got Judi to the airport on time (with a McDonald’s lunch in the car) and we all arrived safely in our homes.

I’m glad the girls were able to come down for a visit at the Lake, even if it was shorter than any of us wanted. And best of all, I’ll be seeing them again this weekend, but in Chicago this time. Woo!

31 Days – 31 Books (day 8)

First, a Happy Birthday to my sister, who turns 37 today! She now has a year in which she can quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail: “I’m 37, I’m not old!” Yay!

Now, onto the meme:

Day8 – Book that reminds you on a certain place

The first one that I think of is Dancing the Code, a Past Doctor Adventure by Virgin publishing. Just thinking of the book makes me think of B-WISER camp. And just thinking of B-WISER camp makes me remember that book. Heh.

Many other books make me think of my library – I often sit in my comfy chair reading books (with cat or cats on lap). Much of the Harry Potter series was read in this manner (though book 6 was also read at judiang‘s place). Christopher Moore’s Lamb makes me think of Chicago as well since I bought it (and several others) there when Narns Ignoble was doing a Buy 3 get 4 or some such deal. Loved the cover and the premise, so bought it knowing nothing else about it. Loved the book. Oh, and in a stark contrast, reading about the cold Swedish weather in the Millennium trilogy makes me remember the cruise that mom, Judi, elsaf and I went on since I started the trilogy while on that cruise. Yeah, places implant themselves in my books, and my books in places.

The rest of the 31 days:

Day1 – Book you are reading right now
Day2 – The book you want to read next
Day3 – Your favourite Book
Day4 – Book you hate
Day5 – A Book you can read again and again

Day6 – A book you can only read once (no matter you love or hate it)
Day7 – Book that reminds you of someone
Day9 – The first book you ever read
Day10 – Book from your favourite author
Day11 – Book you once loved and now hate
Day12 – Book that a friend recommended
Day13 – Book that makes you laugh
Day14 – Book from your childhood
Day15 – 4. book from the left on your shelf
Day16 – 9. book from the right on your shelf
Day17 – Close your eyes and get any book from your shelf
Day18 – Book with the most beautiful cover
Day19 – Book, that you ever wanted to read
Day20 – Book that you read at school
Day21 – most stupid book you read at school
Day22 – Book on your shelf with the most pages
Day23 – Book on your shelf with the least pages
Day24 – Book where nobody would expect you read/loved it
Day25 – A book where the main character is almost like you
Day26 – Book you would read to your children
Day27 – A book where the main character is your idol
Day28 – Thanks God this book was made into a movie
Day29 – Darn, why did they make this book into a movie?
Day30 – First erotic book you ever read
Day31 – Book series you are collecting

Almost missed sending this out today since we went out tonight to watch a double header (7 innings each) at the Dayton Dragons – only to experience the first game going to 16 innings before the Dragons lost. We opted to head home rather than watch game 2. Heh.

Spring Break cont.

Yesterday I left Chicago bright & early after making my farewells to judiang and elsaf. *sniff* The night before had been an adventurous one, however.

After writing my last post, I took a walk around Museum Campus, walking around Shedd’s Aquarium in the course of it. It was a chilly day, but sunny and pleasant.

We had my chili for lunch, along with some multigrain bread and some fresh pears. The girls liked my chili, which made me happy. And Judi got some leftovers, too. (I think we left her with a nice assortment of foodstuff.)

The rest of the evening was one of discovery. That is, discovering what lurked in some boxes that Judi still hadn’t unpacked from her move of *mumble* *mumble* ago. For the most part, the stuff that we uncovered was trash (well, not literally garbage, just stuff she has no use for), but there was some treasure as well. Including the three books that I loaned Judi to read before her move. If she’s interested in reading them in the future, she’ll need to borrow them from the library cuz they are now home with me. 🙂

In the middle of my treasure hunt, we headed off to supper at a new local sport’s bar which is a short walk from Judi’s place. The Scout had some pretty good food. I had a spare rib sandwich with au jus and fried tator tots. Yum! Also had an Original Sin hard cider, which was pretty nice. The place was loud like most sports bars, but other than that, a nice time out with friends.

After our treasure hunt was over and I’d cleaned up the mess I had made of Judi’s closet, we finished with pineapple upside-down cake ala mode. Just as good the second day! Bed, then up early the next day for my flight out, which was uneventful.

Breakfast at the airport (Egg McMuffin, McHashbrown, McApple Juice), Auntie Anne’s pretzel at the Columbus airport, followed by my long drive home. The weather was gorgeous. The kitties ignored me at first, but now they are my good & dear friends (both curled up on my lap & asleep right now). Lazy day yesterday, lazy day today. I like spring break!

Thanks Elsa & Judi for the fun weekend/start!

Spring Break 2012! Another day…

Still having fun at judiang‘s. elsaf arrived Sunday by 4pm and we headed off to Navy Pier around 5pm. We had tickets to see A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the Shakespeare Theater.

The last time I had seen Dream was in London and Dawn French was playing Bottom. This production wasn’t a celeb-fest, but I enjoyed the performance. A very minimalist set, but some nice music. Was good seeing a live show (again) with my friends.

When we returned, it was nearly time for the 3rd showing of ep 1 season 2 Game of Thrones. Elsa and I enjoyed season 1, so were looking forward to the premier. Alas, I don’t have cable (and if I did, wouldn’t pay for HBO), so I’ll have to wait for my next visit to Judi’s (and On Demand) or for the Blu-Ray set to come out. Having read the books, I suspect I can be patient and wait for the rest of season 2.

Yesterday started out with breakfast at The Little Branch Cafe, which is just outside of Judi’s complex. I had a fritatta sandwich, hash-browned taters, and a small fruit cup (which was mostly melon, so Judi at that bit). Elsa and I then did some needed grocery shopping with a quick stop at Target while Judi flexed. (Would love to flex as a teacher…)

The afternoon saw Elsa cooking up a storm, as she is wont to do. I got a walk or two in, which was nice. And then we had a late supper in honor of Judi’s b-day. Beef bourgonoine, curried green pea soup, salad greens w/ raspberry vinaigrette, rolls from scratch, and pineapple upside down cake ala mode. Mmmmm. Not a fan of the green pea soup, but snarfed all of the rest up.

This morning, the Elsa Grill was open and we all had eggs, toast, and bacon. I had mine over easy. They were yummy. The toast was from homemade bread leftover from the homemade rolls. I suspect Judi’s gone back to bed. Eep! Well, she worked hard yesterday, so deserves it. Plus, she IS a year older, you know. *ducks*

Oh yeah, and I’ve got a pot of chili cooking on the stove right now. Elsa requested my “award winning chili” which was basically mom’s recipe. So I’ve made it (much simpler than beef bourgonoine) and it’s simmering for lunch.

Spring Break 2012!

Ah, it feels good to be on break. We’ve had a busy school year with no snow days. So I’m further along in my classes than usual, which is great, but man, we’re all tired! Yay for Spring Break!

I have flown to Chicago in honor of judiang‘s birthday, and wouldn’t you know it, but she’s only gone & won the lottery and flown to Wellington, NZ to stalk Richard Armitage. Heh heh.

No matter, I’m having a fun time so far. Late lunch at Ma & I (pad Thai, of course, along with California roll), some vegging time, followed by the 8:30pm showing of The Hunger Games at the Icon theater (hoity toity). We’d’ve gone all out for the VIP showing (at $18.50 per) but the next showing was sold out and we didn’t want to wait until 10:45pm. So supper was popcorn and an Icee (blue, of course). The movie was excellent. Camera work a little shakier than I like, but still a great adaptation of the book.

This morning, we went to Three Happiness for Dim Sum – yum! We ate until we were full and then some. And now it’s naptime for Judi (what, you believed that entry of hers?) and computer time for me. I finished my assignment due tomorrow by midnight (reviewing the midterms of 4 of my classmates) and am now nearly done with this LJ entry. Feels good to be blogging again!

Happy 4th!

Hope folks who celebrate Independence Day today had a great day! Despite having to leave judiang and elsaf, I had a great day.

Elsa made us French toast today, which was very yummy. She even did fancy-dancy strawberry garnish & powdered sugar. (She made ’em with month-out-of-date milk, but I blame Judi for having month-out-of-date milk in her fridge in the first place! As the three of us aren’t dead, I suspect there was nothing wrong with it after all. But Judi, don’t forget to pitch the milk with the pink label!)

This morning was mostly just getting packed (and discovering stuff I forgot to pack) and reading and watching Harry Potter behind-the-scenes shorts from Judi’s On Demand service. Rather relaxing. Then Elsa and I went to the Little Branch Cafe for lunch. I had an (overpriced) toasted cheese sandwich (with tomato), which was very tasty. Judi joined us briefly, before heading back to get ready for her party.

It was quickly time to part company, however. Elsa drove back to Michigan, Judi took a cab to the train station to get to her 4th of July BBQ, and I walked to the El to get to Midway. Things were smooth getting there and getting through security and I had time to read while awaiting my flight. It left on time, arrived on time, and I wound up sitting in the first row by a window, so I was third off the plane. 44th bag out of the baggage claim, but that’s OK. I had my bag back. I even remembered, sort of, where I parked.

A short stop for Taco Bell on the drive back, and I returned home to discover someone shooting off nice fireworks at the edge of town. They were even visible from my backyard, so I spent some time watching them. They went on for at least 45 minutes (though with pauses between). Top quality fireworks – one step down from what the nearby towns use, I’d say.

The cats are glad I’m back, and I’m glad I’m back with my cats. Thanks, girls, for a great weekend! To friendship! And revenge!

A toast to friends… and revenge!

Today was yet another fun-filled day with my girls, judiang and elsaf. And, as this trip has been, it was another food-filled day. We started at the (last day of the) Taste of Chicago, moved onto Spanish Tapas, and ended with Super 8.

My takings from the Taste:

  • Vegan Samosa from Arya Bhavan
  • Pralines and Cream (ice cream) from Lagniappe-Creole Cajun Joynt
  • Slice of Gluten-Free Pizza from Connie’s Pizza
  • Italian Lemon Ice from Franco’s Ristorante
  • Bourbon Chicken (in a wrap) from Oak Street Beach Cafe
  • Peach Cobbler from BJ’s Market & Bakery
  • Crab Rangoon from the Noodle Vietnamese Cuisine
  • Churro (vanilla filled) from Churro Factory

All of the above were taste portions except the Churro. Elsa, alas, wasn’t feeling hungry, so she gave us her tickets. Judi and I ate like queens. 🙂

Once we returned to Judi’s flat, I headed off to the pool to read. It was chillier than yesterday, but the water was warm still. Once Elsa & Judi joined me, I got in and enjoyed the warm water. Alas, the pool suffered a major child infestation, but we enjoyed ourselves anyway.

For supper, Elsa drove us to Tapas Valencia. We had quite a few plates.

  • Salmon Curado – cured salmon with dill sour cream
  • Alchofas con Crema – marinated artichokes with creamy white wine vinaigrette
  • Champinones – stuffed mushroom caps
  • Empanada de Buey – puff pastry filled with beef tenderloin
  • Pato Confitado – duck confit with mushrooms and apples
  • Patatas con Alioli – robust garlic potato salad
  • Gambas al Ajillo – grilled shrimp with garlic lemon butter
  • Crepe Rellena – crepe with goat cheese, spinach, pine nuts and apples
  • Mejillones con Guindillas – fresh black mussels sauteed with guindilla peppers served with a white wine sauce

We did it in three rounds, each picking an item during the round. And then we each picked a dessert. I wound up ordering what I think I ordered the last time Judi and I came here. Crema con Chocolate, which is basically creme brulee with chocolate. All of the food that I ate today was wonderful (except the mussels, but that’s to be expected. I don’t like mussels.)

After a short stop back at the flat, we headed off to see Super 8 at the Icon theater. This place is hoity-toity with VIP films with leather seats. We went to a regular flick, however, but still had reserved seats. Reserved seats! And an air hostess telling how to escape in case of fire and where the oxygen masks drop from. We ain’t got theaters like that in Ohio.

When we got back, Judi, Patty (her Pomeranian) and I took a night time walk around the Field Museum. Patty really enjoyed herself. And so did Judi and I.

Alas, tomorrow, Elsa and I need to have to leave Chicago. I have kitties awaiting my return. But I believe we’ll have a bit more yummy food before the day is over.

Murder for Two

Today was another great day hanging out with judiang and elsaf. We started off with Dim Sum at Three Happiness in Chinatown. Yum!

After we returned from brunch, we went to Judi’s pool and spent some quality time reading & wading. Very relaxing.

But after that, we zipped off to Navy Pier to see a new musical, Murder for Two. It had a cast of thousands played by two men. Well, not thousands, but several. And lots of piano playing. It was quite entertaining, very funny, and the piano playing was brilliant.

After the excellent show, we went to Riva, a hoity-toity seafood place at Navy Pier. Great service, great food, and decadent desserts. I couldn’t make up my mind on what to have, so I had a set of 4 small plates. Grilled shrimp, crab salad, pappadew peppers (blue crab & Brie in peppers & fried in a ball), and artichoke beignet (artichoke & cheese also in a fried ball). All were tasty with the artichoke winning and pepper balls in second place. Then dessert was also a combo – Chocolate Fantasia. This was chocolate gelato, chocolate flour-less cake, and chocolate mousse. All very yummy. And the chocolate ice cream had salt in it just added to the intensity of the flavor. Oh, and I also had a mojito. We won at supper.

We had pondered staying there to watch the Saturday fireworks, but then later decided that seeing them from Museum Campus would be almost as good (and less crowded). So we returned to Judi’s flat and watched another episode of Game of Thrones.

But soon it was time for walking to Museum Park. Judi wanted to make sure I was safe walking in her big city at night, so she came along as my protector. We stopped by the planetarium and waited. The fireworks, as usual, were impressive.

Once we returned home (with a slight detour) we watched another Game of Thrones (5 eps down, but we don’t think we’ll get ’em all watched before we leave Monday).