Lucy, the BEST Kitty

My little girl kitty, aged 17, has died. She was the BEST kitty, as the title of this entry says. I miss her already. I think Linus (her brother, also 17) misses her some as well.

Photo of Lucy, a brown and black striped & mottled kitty, in repose on a red plaid comforter.
Lucy resting on the comforter in my bedroom.

Last Tuesday, she seemed her normal self. Sure, she was old and she had kidney disease. But she was eating and drinking and cuddling like normal. But on Wednesday morning, I couldn’t find her in the morning. She didn’t come out for her crunchy food (which I had to feed to her away from Linus since he can’t eat crunchy food, but doesn’t KNOW he can’t) and wasn’t in her normal morning spots. But just before I left for work, she came out from hiding, but didn’t seem interested in her crunchies.

Wednesday after work, I looked around for her and finally found her hiding under the bed. We sat on the bed and she ate a couple of generic brand churus (the pureed meat in a tube that’s very popular with cats, mine included) and then drank some water. But she was walking funny, like her back legs weren’t working right, and she toppled over a few times. It was after the vet hours when I observed these symptons, so I sent an email to Miami Acres Animal Hospital to see if I could get her in on Friday (they close early on Thursdays).

Thursday morning, she wasn’t under the bed where I could get to her, so I went to work without seeing her. While I at work, I checked my personal email and found a response from Miami Acres – they actually had some openings for the morning. I checked with my principal and he said I could head out if I found someone to look after my physics class, which I did. It was 4th period and I had no students then, so I walked home get my car, and decided I’d also get Lucy. I found her easily and put her in a little basket she likes sitting in. And I put Linus’ harness & leash on her. I set her in the back of my classroom away from any kids who were allergic (good thing too, one of my physics students said he was). Lucy got up and left the basket once I started explaining to the kids what I wanted them to do once I left. The kids who wanted to pet Lucy were able to do so, then we headed off.

Dr Johnston gave her some subcutaneous fluid, a B-vitamin shot and a shot to help her appetite. He was a little more optimistic than I had been when I came, and I appreciated his positivity and how much he cares for our pets. I got Lucy back home and I returned to school. After school, I couldn’t find Lucy, and assumed she was deep in the bowels under the bed. But as I was working in the den, I kept hearing a rustling, like she was on the cot that’s currently folded up in its bag on the other side of the den. I’d look over and wouldn’t see her and I knew Linus was sleeping on the sofa in the living room. Finally, I heard more rustling and looked over to see Lucy coming out from behind the monitors I have at the other end of my room-length work table. So we cuddled while I worked on my PC. That evening Lucy and I did a lot more cuddling (but I also had some quality cuddling time with Linus, too.) But Lucy still wasn’t all that interested in food or drink. And her back legs seemed even more useless.

Friday was Fall Fair at school, so my plan was to drive to work, pop back home during the day to check on Lucy, and spend most of the evening at the school. But when I did return home, I found Lucy lying in a puddled of her own pee (she was, thankfully, lying on some crumpled up paper, which kept the puddle from spreading more). I got a towel and wrapped her in it and called the vet. Unfortunately, Dr. Johnston was still at lunch, but his attendant said she’d give him the message. Lucy’s back legs at this point were useless, but she managed to crawl to where she wanted to go.

After school, I set up the booth that our Drama Club was going to have for the Fall Fair (we had Disney’s Frozen scavenger hunt for kids to do) and once things were ready there, I called the vet back. Sadly, the next option was euthanasia. Once Tiffany, my co-director, arrived at the Fair, I headed back to check on Lucy. She had managed to get herself onto the comfy chair, so we sat together in the chair for awhile and I cried. I talked more with the vet attendant about the next step and scheduled an appointment for Monday.

I did feel guilty for leaving Tiffany alone to look after the booth, so I did return, visited all of the other booths and spent some money. Then with Tiffany’s blessing, I got my pork dinner and returned home. So then Lucy and I cuddled more, and eventually all three of us were on the sofa and binging Star Trek: Discovery.

Friday night, I placed Lucy on her side of the bed (Linus always sleeps curled up next to me, but Lucy would either sleep on her side of the bed, or in colder months, on top of me). But at some point in the night I heard her plop down on the floor and drag herself somewhere. I found her the next morning in the den in her box (toothly decorated by both kitties, but mostly Lucy), sleeping. I had breakfast and cleaned the kitchen and got everything ready for as much cuddling as we could do in the comfy chair in the library. Then I carefully got her from the box and we cuddled. I could tell this was going to be her last day with us.

After a couple of hours of cuddling and, for me, crying, the spark that was Lucy left her body. I probably held her for awhile after, but eventually I put her back in her box. I found Linus and showed her to him, but after a sniff and a look, he wasn’t interested and hopped away. (My morbid humor pictured him saying “She is dead to me!” as he hopped away.)

My parents, who are wonderful folks, had offered to get groceries for me on Saturday so I could spend as much time with Lucy as possible. But Lucy, who thankfully took the decision on whether to euthanize or not, died before they headed out. So I decided to get out of the house some, see the folks and get groceries. I transferred Lucy’s box to the garage and went to Troy. That night, Linus and I binged more Star Trek: Discovery.

My sister, who is also wonderful, had talked with me after Lucy died (after Linus and I did some cuddling), and had offered to help me dig a grave for Lucy in my garden. So on Sunday, she and I donned jackets, gloves, and grungy clothes to dig a hole for the shoe box that Lucy’s vessel that held her spark (as I described it on the box) was in. I managed to pick the worst spot in my garden to dig, apparently. But we cut down lots of roots (both pokeweed and cedar shrub) while we dug the hole and eventually we had the box buried. We said some words of hope for future plants and critters to get nourishment from the body and comments on how Lucy was a sweet kitty. Amy had brought a mini pie from Madeleine (her girlfriend, who is Salty Lark Pies) and I gave Amy some chili soup which I started that morning.

Linus and I spent most of the rest of the day together, either cuddling or sitting side-by-side on the sofa (binging, as you might guess, Star Trek: Discovery.)

Lucy, my beautiful, sweet, bundle of joy – you were loved, you will be remembered, and you gave me so much love. I will miss you!

Happy New Year!

Considering that my last LJ post was in the summer, I think I’m going to have to admit that how I “journal” my life has changed. It used to be paper. Then it was LiveJournal. Now I do “microjournaling” via Twitter and Instagram (username pagefillers). And even there I’m not as thorough as I once was. But they’re quick, and that often fits my lifestyle more.

I know a number of “old time” LJers who are jumping ship due to the Russians or somesuch. Haven’t decided if I will or not. But I do want to get a good backup of this journal and soon – my last backup was a few years back. And then maybe I’ll decide what to do.

My own website ( is still very barebones since it was hacked at some point. Perhaps I’ll get my old LJ stuff onto there. At least my trip stories would be good there. Perhaps 2017 will be my year to get that sorted out. 🙂

I’m currently sitting in my library with Linus on my lap and Lucy sitting on the back of the comfy chair. We’ve got soft Christmas music playing in the background and, when I’m not writing this, I’m working on my eBooks’ meta data (like you do). I had a wonderful birthday today (46 years – sheesh!) Although Amy was back in MSP, the folks and I had a nice time. I cooked pork & kraut & mashed taters and then they came around for lunch. They brought cake & presents!

Since I’m 6, er 46, the gifts were toys & games. 😉 Amy, OTOH, got me an IKEA gift card – to help me get a display case to, um, hold my LEGO… OK, so I *am* 6!

Amy was here for Christmas – she arrived Christmas Eve and left on the 30th. We had a great time and, as per usual, we won at Christmas. And according to WW, I only gained 4.8lbs. Heh.

In 2016, I hit my lowest weight (in December) at WW which is over 40lb lost since I started the program, and probably closer to 50lb lost since I started trying. Yeah, it’s taking years, but I’m working on lifestyle changes, not looking for quick fixes. I’m wondering if, in 2017, I finally get under 180lb. We’ll see!

I managed to reach my book-reading goal for 2016 (read 75 books – I got 76 read – whee!) and I’m going to see if I can read 80 in 2017. You can keep tabs on me through goodreads.

OK, enough rambling from me. Linus has changed his position so that now when I type, I’m having to move him with me. He’s too zonked to care, but I think I should let him rest without being wiggled around.

I hope that 2017 is a good year for you all. I know there’s a lot of uncertainty right now and it has the potential to be truly horrible, but I hope that this isn’t the case. Love to you all!

Leap Day!

I couldn’t pass up the chance to post on February 29. So here I am typing on my newish Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 tablet. (I bought it earlier in the month ‘cuz my old Nexus was running out of space. Love the new one!)

Things are going well for me ATM. (Asynchronous transfer mode? Automated teller machine? At the moment? Prolly that last one…) I’ve been below 200lb most of 2016 (compared to 1 day in 2015 & none days in the previous X years). The new way WeightWatchers determines their points is probably much of the reason for my weight loss.

I am the co-director of the high school play this year. A former student of mine is the other co. She’s been in the play more recently than I, so I defer to her most of the time. It’s fun, but I’m not used to working this late any more! Heh heh.

Got my taxes done & I did well – only getting a little back. (Don’t wanna owe, but don’t want them holding my money interest free either! I could get a whole penny in interest!) Decided the refund will help with my next big tech purchase – a new phone. Eying the Samsung Galaxy S7. (The S III was a great phone. Actually is still doing well 4 years on. But the shiny compels me to upgrade!)

The kitties be good. Linus is at the foot of the bed wondering why I’m not under the covers & I think he has a point! So good night all & I hope March is god to you!

Celebrity Kitties

Since The Doubleclicks put up a Kickstarter to make their first album, Dimetrodon, I’ve been a fan and supporter of theirs. (I think it was someone on twitter mentioning them that brought them to my attention in the first place.) The two ladies are geeks and thus write and sing wonderfully geeky songs.

Well, they recently sent a call out to their fans to help them with their latest “lyric video.” They wanted photos of cats (or dogs or other pets) with or without their owners & a word from the song. I requested a word and they gave me “want.” So I wrote “Want” in big print and then tried to get a shot with Linus and Lucy and the word all together. After several attempts (and a spat of photos I accidentally deleted from the camera before they’d been downloads – long story, bleh) I got one that I decided to send along. So now my kitties are online celebrities! They show up the last time that “want” shows up in the video, around 2 minutes and 30 seconds in. (But watch the whole video – lots of lovely cats & other pets and their loving owners.)

In case you couldn’t tell which one was them, here’s the photo that I sent along to the Doubleclicks for inclusion in the video:


And here are a couple of the good ones that didn’t make the cut (it wasn’t an easy decision!)



Happy Anniversary Doctor!

Today is the 50th anniversary of my most favorite television program, Doctor Who.

I am currently trapped on my sofa beneath two kittens and a TARDIS throw (made by ‘s sis-in-law). We had been watching the various specials, but now they are done and I want to go to bed, but I don’t want to disturb them. So I am typing this up on my phone.

I’ve enjoyed all of the specials starting with Big Finish’s brilliant Light at the End, continuing with today’s phenomenal Day of the Doctor, then the impressive An Adventure in Time and Space and the predictable Ultimate Guide. But they were all blown away by Peter Davison’s The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot. So funny!

Thanks for fifty years of wonderful stories Doctor! Thanks for all of the friendships I’ve started due to your show. Here’s to the next fifty years!

ETA: proof of the kitty trap:

Ceiling Monsters

One of my major tasks for this summer was to buy & install (or rather, have installed) ceiling fans for my house. And as of today, this has been accomplished!

I checked out several places looking for ceiling fans that I liked and wound up buying 4 fans from Menards. Hunter’s 54″ Brighton and Turn of the Century’s Brigham (52″) & Camden (2 of the Camden, both 42″). The Hunter went into the “dining” room. The Brigham in my bedroom, and the two Camden’s in my den and library. Also bought a remote for the bedroom since the fan is above my bed. (Total cost, $326.51.)

I talked with someone at the contractor desk at Menards and he recommended John Borcher for the ceiling fan install. A few calls with Mr. Borcher and we were set. He arrived this morning (before 8:30am) with Cliff and with his grand-nephew. The nephew is between 7th & 8th grade and enjoyed the toys in my house, but he also helped out the gentlemen from time to time (and got a bit of ribbing from them too when he was distracted by the interesting things in my house).

They did a nice job getting the fans up. The Hunter had tons of pieces, and getting the remote into the Brigham made that process longer than necessary (and a wire that unhooked that was unnoticed until the fan was completely up – that was an issue too). But they were gone before 1:30pm and I had fans in my house – woo! Cost for installing 4 fans? $260. Total cost for my house upgrade, less than $600! Nifty!

There is a drawback to my new fans which I hadn’t even considered, however. The poor kitties spent the morning under the bed thanks to the strangers in their house (though Lucy popped out twice) and now refuse to come out because OMG!!!! There are Monsters on the ceiling!!!!!!!!

Poor Lucy has been out twice since the fans were up and all she does is run through the house looking above with this look of sheer terror on her face. (Yes, I’m anthropomorphizing here…) Linus won’t even get out enough to see the new Ceiling Monsters. *sigh*

I do hope the kitties realize these new additions to their house are not monsters but instead will help keep us cool in the summer (and maybe reduce our cooling bill). I especially hope they realize this before they die of thirst or poop/pee under the bed. (I’ve at least gotten food to them and I think they finally ate some of it.) Maybe tonight in the dark it won’t seem as scary to them.

Now We Are Six

Although I’m not sure when the actual birth date of my kitties is, the vet & I agreed several years ago to officially declare June 15th their birthday.

So, Happy 6th Birthday Kitties! According to WiiFit today, that makes them equivalent to 40 year olds! Eep! But they’re my babies! Anyhoo, I took some photos to celebrate their special day.

Linus in Repose
Linus in Repose

A Load of Crock?
Lucy – a Load of Crock?

I Pity da Fool!
Linus – I Pity da Fool!

Lucy, the Kitty Loaf
Lucy, the Kitty Loaf

Overlord Anniversary

This month marks the Five Year Anniversary of my little furry overlords coming to rule this household. I’d been meaning to post some recent photos of the speebies (the word you get when your tongue trips while saying “sweeties”), so tonight I am doing just that. Thank you, Linus and Lucy, for coming into my life five years ago! You’re the delights of my eyes. 🙂

Lucy & Linus Enjoy a Snack
Lucy & Linus Enjoy a Snack

Linus in Repose
Linus in Repose

Lucy in Repose
Lucy in Repose

Linus under Cover
Linus under Cover

Lucy's Path to Napville
Lucy’s Path to Napville

Linus on the Scratchy Pad
Linus on the Scratchy Pad

Lucy Poses for the Camera
Lucy Poses for the Camera

The State of Me

A quick update to spout the following:

  • The 2011 Chili Competition was Saturday. I decided not to enter (I won last year) and instead talked mom into entering. There were 9 competition chilis to pick from – wow! Usually I have some of Jacki’s non-competition white chili that she brings each year, but I was too full from the competition. They were all yummy. But another member of the second generation won this year – Emily, Gary & Marcia’s daughter. You go gurl! 🙂
  • Went to the baby shower for my cousin’s step daughter on Sunday. It was a nice 2-hour little gathering. Mom won the memory competition (you go gurl!) and we didn’t have to eat babyfood. The cake was very yummy, too!
  • The juniors were having a special fundraiser at Culvers last night where they received part of the evening proceeds. And, well, their wall-eye is back. It was excellent (best I’ve had from them) and hopefully will sate my fried fish desire for some time.
  • And some of you are probably wondering “Um, Trina, aren’t you doing Weight Watchers?” Alas yes! This was not a good weekend. I’ve used up my bucket points (last night’s Culvers meal was 30 points – eep!) for the week and today I actually stayed to my daily 33 points. Shut up tummy, you can’t be hungry!
  • My evenings have been spent with Lynda and my cats in the library comfy chair. I’ve been doing training on PHP (the basics, to start with) and learning a lot. It’s made me jealous of a newer laptop, but thankfully Walmart was sold out of the $428 one I’d been eying.
  • Lucy and I are currently in the library. I’ve got XAMPP on my 1GB flash drive and will be continuing my training as soon as I finish this. Yay for learning! Yay for 1-year subscription to!
  • So that’s the State of Me for now.

Cat Photos

I’ve got a friend on LJ feeling a little down (and maybe more than one, so maybe this’ll cheer a few folks up) and decided it had been too long since I last posted photos of my “kids.” So here’s some recent (well, taken in 2010) photos of my little ones for your enjoyment.

Linus wants a belly rub!
Linus wants a belly rub!

Lucy relaxing in her cabana
Lucy relaxing in her cabana

Lucy gives Linus a kiss
Lucy gives Linus a kiss

Lucy thinks Linus tastes funny
Lucy thinks Linus tastes funny