Yup, it’s Autumn! And Trina’s trying to become more social…

Since the first day of Fall, I’ve been wondering if maybe Summer had decided to stay & give Autumn a miss. But as of yesterday, it’s actually seemed like Autumn – yay! Walking home from school yesterday, I saw steel gray skies, some trees (the maples, of course) starting to turn, and encountered a lovely cool breeze that never let up. There’s my favorite season! Back again!

I notice that it’s been over a week since I last wrote in my journal. Wow – now this was what I figured would happen after the first couple of weeks of having my LJ. But it has taken almost two years to get to this point. I blame my lack of posting to my City of Heroes addiction. Since getting my level 50 hero, I’ve been creating and playing lots of other heroes and so my drive to play has increased. If it wasn’t so much fun, I’d be worried. 😉

Anyhoo, I’m doing what I can to get back into my rather limited social life. Last night, I went off to the Fisher’s for homemade pizza & folks to chat with. Today it’s off to see My Fair Lady at the Schuster Center in Dayton. My aunt, cousin, mom & I are going to see it. Then going out for dinner afterward. Apparently this show is getting good reviews. A show not to be missed. Nice!

And to further my socializing, on Thursday I’ll be going on a Light the Night walk with a coworker and lots of strangers. It sounded fun, I’ll get to meet his fiancee, and it’s at the Fraze Pavilion, one of the nice venues in the Dayton area. Now I know lots of you are probably donated out with the Katrina relief funds and whatnot, but if you’d like to contribute a little ($5? $10?) to the Light the Night walk, you can do so at this website. It’s in aid of Lymphoma & Leukemia research. (My co-worker’s mother has lymphoma. A friend of mine in high school died our junior year because of leukemia. These diseases touch a lot of us and our loved ones. Please give something if you can. If you can’t, that’s OK too!)

So, perhaps with these small steps at socializing, I might get out of my antisocial funk I’ve been in for the past couple of weeks. And maybe even post a bit more to LJ!