Light the Night 2006

Tonight, Wolfgang’s Walkers and many other folks met at Fraze Pavilion to Light the Night for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Our team of six, thanks to generous donors (yay – thanks you generous donors!) managed to raise $1395! (We were tempted to toss a $5 bill in to get us to $1400, but we never actually did.) Linda, Jared’s mom, is currently in remission for Lymphoma and this year she was able to join us at the walk. Yay! It was fun walking with Jared, his wife, two friends, and mom. And his mom says “Thanks!” to you who donated. The society has been so beneficial to her and she, like many others, is appreciative of the donors.

With the folks in my flist and the others that elsaf, paygem and kiri_l found, I raised $320. That allowed me to get a t-shirt *and* a sweatshirt. Both of which came in handy this chilly night. And apparently I’ll get something else later, but that’ll be mailed to me or something. But the real reward was seeing Jared and his mom get to walk together. There were lots of folks with Red balloons (supporters) but still a fair number of white balloons (survivors). There were free concessions – subs, pizza, bagels, pop, and ice cream. Alas, no Chipotle burritos, but we decided to get some afterward anyhoo. Heh. Despite the threat of rain, the walk was rain free and pleasant (but chilly, as mentioned earlier). It’s about a 2 mile walk around the park and residential area. Linda said it was the most she’d walked since her treatment. She really had no words for the evening. It was such a nice time.

At Chipotle after, the six of us chatted and munched. No freebies tonight, but I still got 2 meals out of mine. Mmmm, leftover veggie burrito tomorrow! Yay!

If you were unable to donate earlier to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society but would still like to, you can do so. Click here to donate.

Generosity Abounds!

Wow – my friends list is full of generous folks (of course, you knew this already!) Thank you to the many folks who’ve already donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society through my Light the Night Walk donation page! An extra special thanks goes out to elsaf for advertising for me (thanks Elsa! You’re wonderful!) I’ve hit my goal and then some. And best of all, that means Elsa will need to post about the Seventh Doctor/Ace dream she had the other night. It’s a win-win situation for all! (And I see paygem has followed suit! Thanks, hon! And kiri_l as well! You folks rock!)

Best of all, there’s still time to donate! We walk on Thursday, September 28, so feel free to keep donating until then. Heck, you can even donate after then – the money is still for a great cause. I dunno about you, but today was my payday, so I finally contributed to my own cause (and a few others – heh). If today wasn’t your payday, maybe next Friday will be. Give if you can! As little or as much as you’re able! And thank you so much donors & advertisers!

Here with my hat out…

So, I cut down on my posting, and then when I finally DO post, it’s to ask y’all to donate some money!

Last year around this time, I asked for donations for the Light the Night Walk for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Well, I enjoyed the walk so much last year (and had many generous donors) that I’m doing it again this year. You don’t have to donate much. Heck, you don’t have to donate at all (that’s what’s so nice about “donate” versus “at gunpoint”). But if you can contribute a little, it will certainly help the cause! To donate, go to this page and you can specify the amount you’re able to contribute. (I, for one, like the “other” box – lets you really decide what you can afford.)

Once again, if you can, head on over to this page and send some money along to help fight Leukemia and Lymphoma!