31 Days – 31 Books (days 4 & 5)

Alas, I slipped up and forgot to post yesterday. I actually did think of it after work, but didn’t have the time. And then forgot after my evening of fun & frolic. (Went to see the Newton HS band & choir perform at state contest with mum. Both were excellent. Oh, and in between performances, we picked up dad and let him buy us Japanese food for supper.)

Day4 – Book you hate

When I first thought of an answer for this, I thought “I don’t read books that I hate!” And then I remembered Eternity Weeps by Lawrence Miles from The New Adventures of Doctor Who series. Oh yeah, I hated that book. I even gave it a second chance. Didn’t work for me the second time, either. And when I later read Miles’ Bernice Summerfield novel, Dead Romance, I realized that Miles wasn’t writing for me. (I think I disliked that book even more than EW (ewwww!).) So I’ve avoided all of his other books.

Day5 – A Book you can read again and again

There are several of these, but the first that pops into my mind is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Such a joy to read.

The rest of the 31 days:

Day1 – Book you are reading right now
Day2 – The book you want to read next
Day3 – Your favourite Book
Day6 – A book you can only read once (no matter you love or hate it)
Day7 – Book that reminds you of someone
Day8 – Book that reminds you on a certain place
Day9 – The first book you ever read
Day10 – Book from your favourite author
Day11 – Book you once loved and now hate
Day12 – Book that a friend recommended
Day13 – Book that makes you laugh
Day14 – Book from your childhood
Day15 – 4. book from the left on your shelf
Day16 – 9. book from the right on your shelf
Day17 – Close your eyes and get any book from your shelf
Day18 – Book with the most beautiful cover
Day19 – Book, that you ever wanted to read
Day20 – Book that you read at school
Day21 – most stupid book you read at school
Day22 – Book on your shelf with the most pages
Day23 – Book on your shelf with the least pages
Day24 – Book where nobody would expect you read/loved it
Day25 – A book where the main character is almost like you
Day26 – Book you would read to your children
Day27 – A book where the main character is your idol
Day28 – Thanks God this book was made into a movie
Day29 – Darn, why did they make this book into a movie?
Day30 – First erotic book you ever read
Day31 – Book series you are collecting

One Wedding and No Funerals (Part 1)

I’m pretty zonked right now – let’s face it, the girls wore me out this (long) weekend. 🙂 But I suspect that “A Good Time Was Had By All.”

Amy & Rachel arrived on Thursday night, and the plane was a little early. Yay – more time with the girls! We took ’em home and sat around mom & dad’s kitchen for a little bit, before all heading off to bed.

Friday was a nice day, starting off with donuts and then Egg McMikey sandwiches (second breakfast?) Then it was off on a Grand Adventure. Our main task was buying a wedding gift for my cousin and her beau. This we accomplished at Kohl’s, though we had to order it to be sent along to the kids since the store didn’t have the color that Deanna requested. We then headed off to Greenville to the KitchenAid store for a wrappable accessory and some more shopping opportunities. We had a light lunch (and pie) at a coffee shop in the downtown there.

Friday evening was grilled steak and card games. Mom and I taught A&R how to play Crazy Rummy. We played it (and Rumikub) several times over the visit. We went to bed late but got up at a reasonable time on Saturday.

The morning priority for Saturday was to come back to my town for Pancake Day. One of the local churches serves all-you-can-eat pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs on the first Saturday of the month. Tasty and only $5. I treated the family (dad was shocked) to breakfast, then we hung out a bit at my place, before returning to Troy. Lunch was salad.

Too tired to keep this up, so I shall continue it (perhaps tomorrow) with some details of Deanna’s wonderful wedding and reception. Who knew you could have that much fun at a wedding? 😉