“It’s not a toomah!”

I tweeted this earlier in the week, but just hadn’t gotten around to sending word along via LJ until now.

After nodules were discovered in my breasts, I had the consultation with the surgeon who later recommended two biopsies – an ultrasound guided biopsy on my right “axillary” area near my arm pit and a stereo biopsy (or somesuch) on my right breast. That took place the Friday of Spring Break.

Mum was great – she took me to the breast center and waited for the procedure to end. Then she took me home. Yay mom! (I treated the folks to brunch and lupper that day in my gratitude.)

I received the call on Tuesday that both biopsies were benign. Took me a second to register that was good news because in my family, we like to pronounce it “b’niggen.” Heh. Turns out I’m just lumpy like my grandfather was!

So I am quite relieved. I know you’re not supposed to worry until you know for sure (and even then, what’s the point of worrying), but that doesn’t stop you from doing so! Here’s hoping I stay b’niggen for years to come!

The Waiting Game

So after last week’s discovery of nodules in me boobs, I was waiting to hear from the referral place that my doctor had contacted. Still hadn’t heard from them as of today, so I called my doc’s office to see what had occurred. Well, a fax was sent along on the 22nd, but they didn’t know beyond that. So the nurse scurried around looking for the phone number of the referral place.

I called the referred doc’s office and talked with a nice receptionist there. She checked and discovered that, although they had been informed they’d be getting a referral, the fax never arrived. Ah, technology! So she suggested I make an appointment with the surgeon for the consultation and they’d see about getting the information from my doc’s office. So I’ve done just that – it’ll be after the girls return to Minnesota.

And that’s the exciting bit – Amy and Rachel should be arriving Thursday night! I’ve got Friday scheduled with a sub (my first grade teacher will be my sub) so I can spend all day with the family. Then Deanna’s wedding on Saturday. Should be fun times for all! 🙂

Putting the “Fat” into Fat Tuesday!

It was rather appropriate today that when I weighed myself after school, it was the highest I’ve been in awhile. Whoops!

I’ve not been as conscientious as I should be about what I stick into my face of late. And, of course, as soon as I weighed myself, I finished the piece of white cake with white icing that I’d picked up yesterday at the grocery. (My treat for my “medical procedure” that I’d had earlier in the day – more in a bit.)

And when the folks offered to meet me at Applebee’s tonight for half price appetizers and drinks in honor of Fat Tuesday, I said yes. And I don’t regret it.

You see, after I made the appointment with the folks, I got a call from my doctor’s office. Regarding the “medical procedure” (diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound). Turns out I’ve got “nodules” in both breasts that my doctor wants me to have examined by a surgeon. I’m hoping it’s just fibroids – I have ’em in my head, inherited ’em from mom who got ’em from her dad. So until I hear otherwise, I’m not going to worry. Much.

So yeah, time spent this evening with the folks? Worth it. Having half-price appetizers and a mango martini? Worth it. Knowing that my sister and her partner will be here (if all goes well!) in two weeks. Very, very worth it.

I’ll worry about my weight tomorrow. Today I’ll just sit with the kitties (both are on the chair with me right now), and read.