Sketch A Day: captain, punk, descend, envelope, swipe, fold, tour. No tracing this week! #SketchADay
Sketch A Day: captain, punk, descend, envelope, swipe, fold, tour. No tracing this week! #SketchADay
Sketch A Day: album, magnetic, instrument, edit, carry, fling, nerve. Traced album and carry. #SketchADay
Sketch A Day: react, last, brain, pond, steam, beetle, massage. Getting the hang of writing 22 instead of 21. Sort of. Traced all but react & last. #SketchADay
Sketch A Day: add, base, web, surface, crest, dial, mean. Traced web (own photo) and the hovercraft in mean. #SketchADay
Sketch A Day: mint, merry, festival, twelve, resolution, prop, cast. Traced on mint, twelve, and prop. #SketchADay
Sketch A Day: sheep, night, snowflake, vine, patient, glitter, sesame. Traced sesame. #SketchADay