A favor to ask of you…

For our Statistics class, we’ll be doing a statistical research project. One of my classmates is doing research on home schooling and has a survey that she needs respondents for. I did the survey myself and it didn’t take very long at all (she specifies 3-5 minutes, but it seemed shorter to me). If you’re willing and able, would you please fill out her survey to help with her project? The survey is completely anonymous (and she probably doesn’t know any of you anyway, heh).


Thanks in advance to those of you who’ve taken the survey!

(In my own project, I decided I’d wade through all of the Ohio Graduation Test/Ohio Achievement Test data and see what I could find. Should be, um, fun?)

What’s Your Ringtone?

One of the nice things about my new phone is that I don’t have to buy ringtones anymore, I can make my own from MP3s. So I got to thinking about what ringtones I wanted for my main contacts. judiang was actually online when I started my quest and when I asked which song from my collection she thought should be her ringtone, she chose “Linus and Lucy.” Gee, pick a quiet one, why don’t you? 😉 Still, I upped the volume on it and it’s set as her ringtone. Some folks were easy to pick for, others not so much. I knew that Amy’s ringtone had to be a Heart tune, so I picked “Crazy on You.” Dad’s got the Muppet Show theme. It was another day before I’d decided that mom’s should be “The Mississippi Squirrel Revival.”

Later I got to thinking, what would I like my ringtone to be for other people? Should I go for something whimsical like the Sesame Street theme, or something that expresses one of my favorite things, like the Pink Panther theme? Or do I pick music from one of my favorite groups like Chumbawamba (“Just Deserts”)? My default ringtone I think will be excellent for getting my attention (MacKeel’s “Star of the County Down”) so maybe I want my ringtone for others to be equally attention grabbing. It’s a heady decision when you think about it.

Poll: Science Misconceptions – your opinion requested!

For my Masters class on Informal Science Learning, I have to make an informal science learning “thing” as my final project. I created my science blog for this purpose. Now that I’m working on the final project, I want to make some informal science learning posts to it. And I want to cover science misconceptions. Being physical science-oriented, I’ll probably focus on physics and chemistry questions. (However, my first one will be biological, thanks to a question a co-worker asked me recently.)

Since physics is so counter-intuitive, I’ll probably single it out more than the others. Still, I’m open for suggestions from you folks. I’ve created a poll to see what you think about some of my topic ideas. Vote on ones you’d like to see covered, or things that you think OTHER people really need to see covered. And if you have some ideas on what you wish someone would explain to you or to other people, comment on it and I’ll see what I can do.

Thank you for voting in this poll. And please tell friends to come and vote in it – the more feedback I can get, the more useful I can make my science blog (which I intend to keep going after this quarter is over).

Quick Survey

After a discussion with elsaf and judiang, I decided to find out what others thought. And the thing we’re curious to know is, do you make your bed in the morning or not? Judi seems to think lots of people do this. I think it’s rarer than she thinks. So now you can help figure out who’s right!

Vote early (and often)!