Smart Airliner!

So today I’m at SOITA in Franklin, OH, being trained on the Smart Technologies Airliner wireless slate. 3 other teachers from Newton are with me and when we go, we get to take the Airliners with us for use in our classrooms. These are really nice pieces of technology which I’m excited about adding to my classroom tools. Getting used to navigating with it has been interesting, but I’m getting there.

For those of you who’ve worked with ’em before, this Airliner is really a Wacom tablet. It works seamlessly with the SmartBoard software that SmartTech has written. SmartBoards are those cool white-board-ish things which are really giant touch screen “monitors” (provided you project the image onto the SmartBoard). The cool thing is that you don’t need a SmartBoard to use the Airliner, and I think I’ll prefer using the Airliner to using a SmartBoard.

Anyhoo, we’re currently toying with the devices and I decided to do a short post re: what I’m up to. So there ya go!