Italy: Days Two & Three

Jul. 21, 2005

Thanks to having Internet Access at our Hotel in Rome, I wrote a detailed (well, sort of) post about the trip to the Vatican here. I already posted a photo of judiang and me at the Vatican in this post. However, I forgot to mention that we saw a “gypsy marching band” perform that evening in the streets near the Pantheon. Knowing nought about gypsy bands, however, I reserve judgment. They were lively and fun, however, and that’s all that matters with a marching band. (Oh, and don’t go picturing trombones & stuff – strictly percussion.)

Jul. 22, 2005

I only had 9 minutes, however, to write about our day exploring the Roman ruins and Colosseum. And there is very little in my hand-written journal about the day, so I’ll see if I can expand upon the day some.

Our main goal of the day was to see the Forum and the Colosseum. We stopped at a cafe for lunch where I had a small sandwich and some of Judi’s Gatorade. People at our table felt so guilty that the sandwich was small they kept giving me more food. I certainly won’t complain about that! Gosh, I’m trying to remember what the gelato of the day was. I know I had some after supper, but was there afternoon stuff? I seem to recall a gelato shake made of chocolate ice cream – I’ll bet that was it.

Rather than going off to St. John Lateran and another basilica, Judi and I headed back to the hotel with a few others. I did some shopping while Judi napped (or did I do that the day before?) Anyhoo, at some point either Thursday or Friday, I bought a cute little wooden clock that was shaped & painted like a kitty cat. I also got a wine cork for mom & dad with the same kitty design. Only €17 for it all. Oh, with regards to the cat, the tail is the pendulum of the clock. (Like my plastic Kit Kat clock, but without the moving eyes.) I think it’ll be good in my Reading Room once I have the floor to ceiling bookshelves in place.

I actually wrote about the supper that night in my paper journal. So I’ll reprint that here:

…We finally found a non-tourist trap restaurant. Las Maddalen (which I think was a Zio Ciro restaurant) was just off the square where the Pantheon was located. I ordered too much – brushetta and a pizza, when the pizza would suffice. They let us sit inside together while they got tables together outside. They brought out two €25 bottles of sparkling white wine for all of us to drink while we waited, gratis. Very friendly, very accomodating. BTW, I rather liked that sparkling wine – go figure!

Everyone agreed it was the best restaurant we stayed at. Only €1 cover charge person, less than 10% service charge, and we were happy to tip well.

For gelato that evening, I got half crema and half ferrero rochere (chocolate hazelnut). The crema had a slight lemon flavor, as did the one I had at another gelateria the night before. So I’m guessing crema must have slight lemon flavor… Will not be tempted to order that again, I think.

The best news of the day, however, was the arrival of Judi’s luggage that night! Yes, the night before we were to leave the hotel, the luggage finally arrived! Yay!

The Gypsy Marching Band!
The gypsy marching band. Or something. Whatever it was, it was lively and fun! And had a great cadence.

Bunch of broken shit.
Bunch of old, broken shit.

Not quite as broken shit.
Just as old, but not as broken shit.

And you should see the state of the stadium!
And geez, you should see the state of the stadium! 😉

Italy Trip: Getting There

Jul 19, 2005

11:00am I’m sitting at the S’barro seating area at the Dayton International Airport. I’ve got a peach smoothiethat I’m sipping on ($3.80 from Boston Stoker). It’s very tasty. The object of today’s flying? Get to Rome!

[Present day Trina cutting in here. This is the first entry in my paper journal that I kept during the trip. I’m making corrections as I go, but so far, am terribly faithful to it. You can tell by the sheer tedium I’m writing about. I’ll start cutting out the tedious comments as I go as well, or you’ll all be sleeping on your keyboards.]

Unfortunately my last journal was left in a Big Boy in Michigan back in April, so I’ve no idea what I last wrote about in my print journal. My electronic journal is a bit more up to date. [That’s what she thinks!] I decided against bringing my laptop on this trip because of the carrying issue, electrical issue, and lack of ‘net issue. I’ve got lots of electronics with me, however. So boredom won’t ever be an issue. [It wasn’t]

So, what’s up with this trip? Well, back in October ’03 our BW3’s group first talked about renting a villa in Tuscany. We’ve done a lot of plotting and planning since then and 18 of us are going to Roma for 3 days and the villa for 7 days.

I’m the only one taking US Air to Rome – most of the rest are taking Northwest. Even judiang (who is my roomie) is taking the Detroit->Rome leg of it. I’ll be on the same flight as everyone for the way back, however.

[The next several paragraphs are a summary of what we intended to do on the trip. Since I’ll be reporting on what we actually did, it seems a bit silly to include that here too, so I skipped ’em.]

2:20pm Now sitting near my gate (I think) at Philly’s airport. The place is practically deserted at the moment since most international flights leave at night. Mine’s at 6:10pm, so I’ve got a bit of a layover.

5:10pm Still at gate and so is our plane (has been for some time). Judi, meanwhile, got her times confused and left for the airport late. I’m hoping the lack of contact since her call means she’s in the air now to Detroit. Please let it be so!

5:53pm Good news! Judi’s luggage made the flight! Bad news – Judi’s body did not! Crap! So, she’s going to try and get on standby to Amsterdam and then from there on to Italy. If things work out, she can be in Rome by 3pm. Wow! Poor Judi! I’m hoping she can get there OK.

In the Good News camp again, we’re on the Airbus A330 rather than the Boeing 767. That means we get the ability to pick our own inflight entertainment! Sweet. There’s even a remote control! And the adapter for my headphones fits the jacks. Still dunno how well they work. [Got Magnavox noise cancellation headphones for the plane – only $35 at Walmart.]

Movie choices include Hitch and Robots, so I think I’ll pick them. Who knows what Northwest will offer for the ride back.

Oh, interesting sign of the times: The old No Smoking lighted signs have been replaced with “Please turn off electronic devices” signs.

Captain’s just welcomed us. We should be pushing off shortly.

6:25pm Departing a little late – a connecting flight arrived late, but we’re all here now! And we’re off to Rome!

7:00pm Ha! Spoke too soon. Yup, we’re still on the ground, trying to get to the front of the queue.

Now, although this journal entry hasn’t actually talked about the arrival to Rome, I’m going to include a couple of photos from Rome. There will be more in the next post when I write about the arrival.

Judi and Trina in Vatican City.
Judi and Trina in Vatican City. If you look closely, elsaf, you’ll see the Pope in the background, left. He’s spying on us, but we just ignored him.

The Heffalump Monument.
I liked this particular monument. I like heffalumps. And woozles. No woozles on this one, however. And what’s with all the Egyptian needles? The Romans were obsessed, I think.

In other news, work was a bitch today (and yesterday), but my new video card (for my new computer) arrived today and installed nicely. I can now play City of Heroes on my new PC. Also, Semagic is able to detect music from QCD – woot! Oh, and while listening to Information Society, I discovered they did a cover of Abba’s “Lay All Your Love on Me.” Heh, never noticed before.