The End of Summer

I know that summer doesn’t really end until September something-or-other, but Labor Day (coming on Monday) is the symbolic end of summer in our neck of the woods. So here we are at the end of summer.

We’ve now been in school a week (well, a 4 day week for the students) and I think it was a good week. Thanks to some diligent work by our new guidance counselor, most of the kids eligible to take the chemistry course for college credit are doing so. (She was still chasing kids and their parents down today – applications had to be faxed by noon.)

This is the start of my 20th year of teaching and the start of my 14th year at Newton. Woo! And I feel like this might be the most stress-free starting week in memory. (Well, I do have a crappy memory, and I know last year had mucho stress with the new chemistry curriculum.) So perhaps I’m getting the hang of this teaching lark!

I was working late today, but I really wanted to get a number of things done before the weekend so I can just enjoy the 3 days without thinking of school. And then the folks and I headed off to Troy Streets Alive to check out the Downtown. We sampled bourbon chicken from LeDoux, looked at the wares of the various artists stationed around the square, bought some olive oil from Olive Oasis, and then headed off to Kuzzinz, a bar & grill I’d not been to before. In honor of my successful first week, I had a woo woo with supper and a brownie sundae for dessert. Very yummy!

This weekend is one of my favorite festivals – the Heritage Festival in Piqua. Dunno when we’ll go other than “not tomorrow.” We’ve got a wedding reception to go to tomorrow. (The wedding was held in another state, so they’re holding a second reception here for family that couldn’t get to it.) That works for me. Wedding receptions are usually much more interesting than weddings. 🙂

Happy Spring!

It’s the first day of spring – yay! We had a chilly but sunny day to celebrate it.

So, Today I:

  • Got caught up on my grading (except for the physics test which they took today – it’s multiple guess so I should be able to get that done this weekend).
  • Talked with Covington Savings & Loan (my bank) about refinancing my mortgage (I gave my current mortgage company first dibs, but I haven’t received word back from them in a week – guess they don’t want me to stay with them). 4.5% should be do-able and he suggested I check back each week while things in Washington are brewing – it might go down even more.
  • Went to Applebee’s with a few coworkers and had a nice hour & a half chatting with them.
  • Looked at netbooks at Staples – I still might get myself an Aspire One if I could just find a 6-cell Linux model, pref w/ SSD.
  • Picked up some stuff at Walmart – including the inexpensive silica cat litter I was beginning to suspect I’d dreamed rather than purchased before. (Under $5 for 4lb – only thing cheaper I’ve seen is sold by Trader Joe’s – and they’re MILES away.)
  • Had an ice cream cone from Cold Stone Creamery. Yum!

The new season is looking to be a good ‘un!

Happy Equinox!

Yay, it’s autumn! My favorite season. And we’ve got lovely weather this week (albeit a smidge warm during the early evening). And some of the trees have started their color change.

I’m feeling pretty good of late. I seem to have a handle on my college courses. I’m enjoying my classes at school. I got to go to some science workshops on Saturday where I learned some stuff, thought of several lab ideas, and won a doorprize. Free science, free food, and free prizes – those make me happy. (OK, so the doorprize was something for an elementary science teacher, but it was still cool winning it.)

The kids had a day off today while we teachers had inservice. So I got to have Panera for lunch. Yum! I’m pretty warn out from the inservice (meetings always wear me out more than a full day of working – I have NEVER figured that out), so I think I’ll head for bed early. And read. 🙂

Ah, it’s so lovely to sleep with open windows. And soon I’ll need the comforter when I sleep with open windows. Yay! Let’s hear it for autumn!

Happy Vernal Equinox!

Yay, it’s Spring! And to celebrate, I have OPEN WINDOWS! (No, I don’t mean of the Microsoft variety, though that is true as well…) The kitties are happy, they love Open Windows. So do I. 🙂