Bought Something Day

Yup, I’m a capitalistic pigdog, but I had a lovely day out with my parental units. Shopping the day after Thanksgiving in Miami & Darke counties is never a hectic thing. Well, as long as you don’t get up at o’dark thirty in order to shop at the 5am openings. (5am??? are people NUTS?) We started at the Piqua Mall, which was the busiest you ever see it, but that only means it was as busy as most normal malls are on a regular day. I only bought a $5 Pong/Breakout Atari thingy that hooks onto your TV. The mall shopping, however, was over quickly & we moved onto my favorite Black Friday shopping place – Greenville. Greenville is a small town (well, not as small as my town) with several nice mom&pop shops in the downtown area. I like supporting local vendors. And it’s days like Black Friday that make or break them. I think we helped to make a couple of ’em. 🙂

For those of you familiar with KitchenAid, Greenville is where the famous mixers were first manufactured. Hobart Brothers made commercial mixers in Troy, OH and the KitchenAid brand was made in Greenville (and still is). There’s a nice KitchenAid store there which we shopped at. I got a couple of nice cookie sheets & a spatula. It’s red & it’s silicone. I’m hoping it doesn’t desintegrate like the plastic ones I usually buy. We had lunch at a cafe/store called The Montage. I had a Reuben & their potato & cheese soup. (The cheese is just a small handful of shredded cheddar sprinkled on top – but the soup was very good.) The folks got the senior meals. Heh. I bought lunch & it was less than $20.

We finished the shopping out with getting a few grocery-like essentials at the Greenville Wal-mart, which is in the ‘burbs (heh, Greenville ‘burbs – not bloody likely!) I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about Wal-marts, but the ones in Troy & Greenville are well maintained, clean, and often have what’s advertised. And they had the groceries & supplies that I needed. Best of all, I only bought what was on my list.

Anyhoo, as a result of today’s shopping, I have finished judiang & elsaf. I still have no idea what to get Amy, Rachel, or the parentals. But I’m sure I’ll find something. 🙂

Tomorrow is a day in with Leo. And Sunday, the folks and I will probably go see Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire. This has been a good break.