Even with the weather…

So, like, if you’re sick you say “I’m feeling under the weather.” But if you’re getting better, are you “even with the weather”? And when you’re well, are you “over the weather”? Curious trinas want to know.

At any rate, I feel like I’m getting even with the weather. Sunday night (after a fun time shopping at Crafts 2000 with my Aunt Becky and then supper at the Chinese Buffet) I suddenly got every cold symptom within a 15 minute period. Wound up going to bed on NyquilClone at 7:30pm. My day off on Monday was fairly wasted just battling the cold and avoiding real work. (I got a lot of videos watched which had been languishing*.)

Tuesday, I had a meeting at the Miami County ESC, so I had a sub already. After the meeting, I went to Meijer for more NyquilClone and then in bed by 7:30pm. One of the girls was impressed that I knew in advance that I was going to be sick (since I’d told ’em they’d have a sub Tuesday) – I hated to disappoint her by telling her I’d been to a meeting, but disappoint her I did. 🙂 Last night was another “bust” night of nothing useful accomplished. But I figured I could spent tonight grading tests and stuff – which I did.

Thankfully, tomorrow is Friday. If I have truly kicked this cold, I should have a more productive weekend than I wound up having last weekend.

*On Saturday, the parentals & I celebrated Valentine’s Day by eating out for lunch (Applebee’s) and then shopping at Best Buy and Kroger (the good one in Englewood). I bought a Philips DVP5990/37 DVD player which upconverts to 1080p (though my TV maxes at 1080i) and plays USB flash drives. I also bought an HDMI cable, which cost half the cost of the DVD player (and turned out to be too short – the DVD player is currently WAY back). No matter, I bought two 6-ft HDMI cables from Amazon.com for $.99 each – they’ll probably arrive soon. Anyhoo, thanks to the USB port, I can now watch my downloaded videos from a USB drive rather than saving to CD or DVD. Sweet. And it works. AND it’s easy to make region-free. The DVD player was $65 – and I’ve heard of it going for even cheaper in some places. 1080i is sweet. I love my TV even more than before (if you can believe that even possible).

I hab a code!

For the first time since my broken arm in 2000, I took sick leave today for myself. Only half a day – I stayed during the periods with my kids, but then was feeling wishy washy enough to go home afterward. I had to get up at quarter ’til 5 this morning to drop mom & dad off at the airport – by the time I returned home, it still wasn’t the time I usually get up. So I figured what I needed most was sleep. After fixing a lunch of Mrs Grass’s Noodle Soup (my staple “I’m sick” food) I went to bed and slept 4+ hours. With assistance from kitties.

I’ll do supper shortly and then probably go to bed. Here’s hoping all of the sleep will help me get rid of this cold ASAP. I want to start working on my courses tomorrow evening (classes start this week for my Masters program) so I want to be better in order to make sense when I post. Heh.

Oh, to illustrate just what a wonderful place that I work is, when I told the HS secretaries that I was going to leave early, one of ’em offered to drive me home since she was heading home to lunch. Considering I was thinking “Damn, I should have worn my long underwear this morning!” on my way to work, I took her up on the offer.

It’s a (TMI) Christmas!

So anyhoo, Friday was our last day of school. And thanks to something I ate during the school day, I wound up having a bout of food poisoning. I was already grumbly in the tummy when I headed for bed, and it got worse from there. I won’t go into much more detail, but I’ll just say this: It’s a Very Very Gassy Christmas!

Anyhoo, I am recuperating quite nicely. The girls (Amy & Rachel) arrived safely last night. We spent a lovely day (well, apart from the TMI above) today. This evening we watched Charade. It’s one of mom & dad’s favorite movies, and yet Amy & I had never seen it. I found it enjoyable, but A&R pronounced it “silly.” Heh, that’s probably why I liked it.

BTW, tomorrow’s Christmas Eve! Woohoo!

Sotto Voce

As happens once or twice a school year, I have lost my voice. I started getting (what I hope is) a mild cold last night, and this morning, no voice. I don’t feel bad at all, just can’t talk. Oh, I can talk a little – we’re not looking at Trina the Mute, but it ain’t pretty. One student likened it to a frog. I think that might even be an insult to frogs. Heh.

I’m hoping the voice is better tomorrow – I moved today’s Physics notes to tomorrow with that hope in mind. If not, I’ll make a game of Charades of it. I’m sure the students will enjoy guessing my mimery of Newton’s Law of Cooling & the Greenhouse Effect. Heh.

Anyhoo, as my self-prescribed medication, I’ve taken some Nyquil & I shall be quietly playing my video game for awhile. And I’ll even try to get to bed early & all that jazz.