WoW claims another victim – NaNoWriMo

First, I should updated my WoW icon. I don’t play the two Horde characters in the list, and I don’t have my Worgen or Pandarian showing.

Second, I have now paused on my NaNoWriMo novel. I got past 6100 words, but then Parent/Teacher Conferences came. When I got home late from the first night, I realized I would rather play World of Warcrack than work further on my novel. (And I really don’t know what happened the day before – what was my excuse for Wednesday?)

Friday night we had a dinner party at a friend’s place. An Oktoberfest in November. What’s funny is what occured BEFORE the party…

See, thanks to my gaming addiction, I’ve been having issues getting to my parents’ house at the times I say I’ll be there. Dad now just expects me to be late ‘cuz it happens so often. (He is a scientist, you know, and is good with interpreting evidence.) So I was going to be on time, dammnit!

I actually set the stove timer to remind me when I should bug out Friday evening. I played WoW until the timer went off. And then headed outside. I scolded myself as I exited that I hadn’t parked in front like I’d told myself I would do in the morning. (I actually drove to work that morning since I was running late. I don’t game before work, but Twitter sometimes distracts me in a similar fashion.)

I walked into the garage and noticed the absence of car. Um, the reason I hadn’t remembered to park in front of the house? I hadn’t remembered to drive home! LOL. I stood there laughing at myself, then called dad on my cell as I started walking (quickly) to the school to get my car.

I wasn’t much later to the folks than I had intended, and we wound up being the first there to our friends’ place. The evening was fun and I had two hard ciders during the course of the evening. (Was fine when it was time to drive the folks home.)

And when I got home, I wasn’t in the mood to write. So the poor thing is languishing. I haven’t decided yet if I want to give it up or try to jump start it. We have another round of parent/teacher conferences on Tuesday. Then when Thanksgiving comes, I’ll be busy with family family family.

Hmmm, I have Christmas music playing now. Perhaps if I turned the novel to a Christmas story I’d be more likely to write it…

Gaming the rest of the summer away….

In case you were curious, I got home from Chicago just fine. Flight & drive back both smooth & easy – the best way to travel. Since I’ve been home, I’ve been trying to milk the little remains of my summer as best as possible. (Short summer due to early school start – all new school building related. It will be our last school year in the 1922 building.)

Our school isn’t the only new construction going up – mom & dad are having a house built in the next town over. It’s been fun watching the progress of that. We’ve been taking lots of photos and videos of it. I missed 2 weeks of the construction since I was in Wooster & Chicago, but now I’m back in the flow of things.

We watched the trusses go up on Tuesday. They had the big crane out & were putting them in place and then nailing them proper. Quite fun. Yesterday they were putting tar paper on the sheathing. Mom and I watched it from the swimming pool. 🙂 (The “gated community” that they’re moving into has a pool. And we were allowed to go swimming. Yay!)

Thanks to judiang (who is, I believe I said before, EVIL) I wound up buying a Wii and WiiFit for myself on Tuesday. It’s been fun and I’ve started a regimen with it. After a couple of days up, I finally went down in weight today. We’ll see if I can stick with it. Just bought two other titles for it today.

And unfortunately, before I bought the Wii, I reupped my World of Warcraft subscription, so I’ve been playing that a lot lately too. But it’s been fun. Despite my playstyle (which is to focus on professions first, leveling second) I’ve gone from level 43 to 47 since I reupped. Heh.

Anyhoo, tomorrow I intend to get a handle on my house and maybe even get back to work on my Master’s Thesis. And of course I have to rewatch all of the Harry Potter movies before Wednesday. (Watched the first flick today. Gee, they were all so small then!)

So anyway, happy gaming to all you gamers! And happy summer to the rest of y’all! (Or winter, as the case may be.)