Valentine’s Day Is Love

Valentine’s Day doesn’t belong to lovers. It belongs to all of us, whether we’re single, together, or in some other state. Yeah, I’ve had times* when I’ve grumbled about gooey-eyed lovers on Valentine’s Day, but I’m now deciding not to let them get the holiday all to themself.

When I was a kid, I loved Valentine’s Day for some of the same reasons that capriuni mentioned in her post. (Funnily enough, I decided to write this up on the way in to church today, and then later read her post. Looks like we’re on a similar wavelength here.) I loved buying a box of those tacky kids Valentine’s cards (36 to a pack, with one special one for the teacher). Trying to find just the RIGHT one was always the challenge. I even did this from time to time as a college student and beyond. Of course, the candy was always a plus (the chocolate, not those nasty Necco hearts). And usually mom & dad would send me a card.

So today, I made my mind up. No more will the couples spoil Valentine’s for me. I’m going to celebrate love and my loved ones. I start off with the fluffball that’s sitting in front of my monitor and staring at the blinded window. I love my cat! Leo’s a major delight in my life and I’m grateful to have this time I do with him. We took a 2 hour nap today and it was quite relaxing. (I find naps are even better when spent with a cat laying on top of you.) Happy Valentine’s Day, Leo!

I had Bachelor Dad this weekend, and I loved it. I love my dad and my mom equally, though I do tend to take after dad a lot more, and we’ve had similar careers. I love those crazy ladies in Minneapolis, which is where mom is now. I love BadGurls Amy & Rachel & now mom. I’ve been very lucky in the sister department. Sure, I used to resent Amy when I was much younger (going from an only child to an older sister is quite a lot of stress on a 4-year old). But I love Amy lots, and have fun with her when we’re together. And Rachel’s been such a wonderful addition to our family. Let’s hear it for little sisters! Happy Valentine’s Day, family!

judiang and elsaf have been friends and mentors to me now for 9 and 10 years (nearly) respectively. I love them both dearly and enjoy the virtual times we have together as well as the real times we have together. So Happy Valentine’s Day to both of you!

Thanks to the Internet, I now have many lovely friends whom I keep in touch with via e-mail, mailing lists, and now LiveJournal. You folks are lovely and are loved, so never forget that. And thanks for sharing your lives with me! Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!

If you have a significant other, I hope the pair of you have a wonderful & romantic holiday! If you’re single or between lovers, go off and tell the people that you love what you feel about them. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to belong to the couples, we single folk can celebrate as well!

* Like that time when I accidently went to the Olde Towne Inn in Eaton on Valentine’s Day. I was the only person there by myself – everyone else were couples. They had a man in playing a synthesizer and singing love songs. And the waitress offered me a newspaper to read. (This was, I think, when I decided to bring a book with me wherever I go from then on.) So I got back home feeling a bit depressed. Now, however, I just have to laugh at the incident.

5 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Is Love

    1. Actually, I believe she felt sorry for me. Thought I might like something to read. I’d had her as a waitress before and she was always very nice, so I’m sure she didn’t do it out of meanness.

  1. Valentine’s never bothered me when I was single. The year it bothered me the most was the year I was dating someone so pushy that I thought he was going to do something like buy me lingerie after we’d been dating maybe two months. This year… I’m happily attached, but it bothers me again, because it’s February in Canada and I feel crappy. Romance is the furthest thing from my mind. Loads of cheap chocolate on Tuesday, however, may help my mood. Translation: it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, even for non-singles. Valentine’s Day is for people who rarely express their love for each other during the rest of the year. They take one day to remind each other and the world that they’re supposed to be in love.

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