Hark! Odd Dreams Ahoy!

So, the previous night I dreamt that one of my co-workers was an android on the run from the government and I was trying to help him stay one step ahead of the feds…

Last night I dreamt I was working as a go-fer on a Hollywood film (that was being shot in England or somewhere else abroad) during my summer months. They paid a lot more than I get paid for my summer work (of fixing the computers up for the next school year). And I was afraid the shooting would go into the school year, but the director (who resembled my old principal Dr. Peg McAtee) said that they’d pay me well to stay on. Ah, the dilemmas! 🙂

I don’t usually remember enough of my dreams, but when I do, the dreams are always, well, memorable. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Hark! Odd Dreams Ahoy!

  1. Yes, some dreams just fade away… … …Like my train of thought does when that Random Sylv pic loads. Beardy!

  2. Interestingly enough, Rachel dreamt last night that I was making a film–that I had an opportunity to take this one great one-day film class that all the great filmmakers had taken and I was really excited about honing my skills. Perhaps it has something to do with receiving my alumni magazine last night and reading aloud about all of my fellow WSU grads who were taking their film projects and winning awards at festivals around the world . . .

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