4 thoughts on “City of Heroes? No, City of Heroin….

  1. You know, if I had more time to invest in net addictions games I’d be playing CoH… So far I’ve been able to avoid the really addictive games except for Halo and Halo 2

  2. Heh, right after you left, I got sidekicked by a team of 8 bigger heroes. We went on a muish to capture Atta and his crew in the caves of the Hollow. We fought for TWO HOURS SOLID and STILL didn’t finish because we were ready to fall out of our chairs. It might have taken another hour to finish. Maybe. There were at least 10 lvl 17s, 18s, and a 20 around every turn. Mish must have been set on Pure Hell. But I got a lvl. 🙂

    1. But I got a lvl. Bitch! 😉 I could NOT sleep when I went to bed. All I could think about was CoH. This is an EVIL game. So, you playing now?

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